
Chapter 11: Revision and Editing

Stages of Revision: High and Low

Sixteen small blue profile of faces arranged in a four by four grid that transition from very angular edges at the top left to round edges at the bottom right.Revision is the most important stage of the writing process. Too often, it’s overlooked by students because of time constraints, or because they’ve never learned how to do it well.

There are many ways to critically read, reflect on and revise a paper. But, it’s hard to read your paper with an eye for too many concerns at the same time. For example, when I’m revising a draft, I find it difficult to look at transitions, cohesion of my argument and conciseness all at the same time. When I attempt to do that, I get overwhelmed and end up closing my computer. Instead, I suggest adopting a more systematic approach, going through your paper with one concern in mind each time you read it. In this chapter, we’ve divided these concerns into “high” and “low.”


A black lined cloud with two separate circles underneath, leading to the left

Questions for Reflection

  • How much time do you usually spend on the revision stage of the writing process?
  • Are there revision strategies you’ve used in the past that have been helpful?
  • How does the idea of reading your work out loud make you feel?
  • Have you ever done a peer review? What was the experience like?
  • How do you like to receive feedback on your work?
  • What is the most useful piece of advice that someone has given you about your own writing?
  • If you have experience with a different culture, how is feedback given in that culture?


Material in this section has been adapted from Chapter 16 Peer Review: Questions for Reflection in Business Writing for Everyone by Arley Cruthers, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.



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Writing Place Copyright © 2022 by Lindsay Cuff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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