Book Title: Unveiling Academic Integrity: Case Studies of Real-World Academic Misconduct
Subtitle: written by the students of EDUC 388: Perspectives on Academic Integrity at Simon Fraser University

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Book Description: In this free open access resource, students of EDUC 388, Perspectives on Academic Integrity, present real cases of academic misconduct and the decisions made by the stakeholders involved. We use real cases of academic misconduct drawn from publicly available sources such as media reports, legal proceedings, and firsthand social media accounts, and offer a series of discussion questions for response. Rather than simply teaching the "rules" of academic integrity, the book promotes a deeper exploration of theory, research, and practice and encourages readers to think critically about complex ethical situations.
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Book Description
Unveiling Academic Integrity: Case Studies of Real-World Academic Misconduct was written by Education students at Simon Fraser University and edited by SFU Faculty of Education Senior Lecturer Joel Heng Hartse. In this free open access resource, students of EDUC 388, Perspectives on Academic Integrity, present real cases of academic misconduct and the decisions made by the stakeholders involved.
In the 21st century, issues relating to academic integrity have become a passionate concern of educators, administrators, parents, and students, especially in wake of the COVID era of online learning and the sudden appearance of ChatGPT. Scandals abound, and reports that cheating is on the rise at every level are rampant. How are we supposed to teach in this environment? Unveiling Academic Integrity can help. Designed from an educator’s viewpoint, this OER encourages readers to consider how various educational stakeholders—including administrators, principals, and teachers—should respond to challenging situations involving academic integrity. The current “first edition” of this book comprises ten cases, ranging from teacher misconduct in elementary schools to large-scale “cheating rings” in high schools to plagiarism cases in higher education.
We use real cases of academic misconduct drawn from publicly available sources such as media reports, legal proceedings, and firsthand social media accounts, and offer a series of discussion questions for response. Rather than simply teaching the “rules” of academic integrity, the book promotes a deeper exploration of theory, research, and practice and encourages readers to think critically about complex ethical situations.
Unveiling Academic Integrity: Case Studies of Real-World Academic Misconduct Copyright © 2024 by Joel Heng Hartse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Educational material