Chapter 9: Energy Production & Climate Change

Wind farm near Copenhagen, Denmark. In 2014 wind power met 39% of electricity demand in Denmark.

Learning Outcomes

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Outline the history of human energy use
  • Understand the challenges to continued reliance on fossil energy
  • Outline environmental impacts of energy use
  • Understand the global capacity for each non-renewable energy source
  • Evaluate the different energy sources based on their environmental impact
  • Understand the key factors in the growth of renewable energy sources
  • Explain how the greenhouse effect causes the atmosphere to retain heat
  • Explain how we know that humans are responsible for recent climate change
  • List some effects of climate change
  • Identify some climate change policies and adaptation measures

Chapter Outline

  • 9.1 Challenges and Impacts of Energy Use
  • 9.2 Non-Renewable Energy Sources
  • 9.3 Renewable Energy Sources
  • 9.4 Combined Heat and Power as an Alternative Energy Source
  • 9.5 Hydrogen and Electricity as Alternative Fuels
  • 9.6 Electricity Grid and Sustainability Challenges
  • 9.7 Climate Change
  • 9.8 Case Study: Two Climate Action Plans
  • 9.9 Chapter Resources


Essentials of Environmental Science by Kamala Doršner is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Modified from the original.

By learning skills like composting, crop diversification, organic pesticide production, seed multiplication and agro-forestry, farmers in Malawi are increasing their ability to feed their families over the long term.

Learning Outcomes

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Understand the major drivers of food insecurity
  • Recognize the role of women in food and nutritional security
  • Classify key food and nutritional sources
  • Identify benefits and risks of genetic engineering
  • Describe the components of soils
  • Discuss how land use affects global ecosystem conditions
  • Identify environmental effects of pesticides
  • Recognize the relationship between exposure to POPs and human health
  • Explain alternative practices in farming and soil management

Chapter Outline

  • 9.1 Food Security
  • 9.2 Food & Nutrients
  • 9.3 Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
  • 9.4 Soil Profiles and Processes
  • 9.5 Soil-Plant Relations
  • 9.6 Conventional Agriculture
  • 9.7 Pests and Pesticides
  • 9.8 Sustainable Agriculture
  • 9.9 Chapter Resources


Essentials of Environmental Science by Kamala Doršner is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Modified from the original.


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Environmental Issues Copyright © 2019 by Andrew Frank is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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