
Appendix III: Key to Exercises (Greek)

§102. Exercises, Chapter 15

A. 1. ἀγων agōn 13. λαβυρινθος laburinthos
2. χορος khoros 14. χρυσανθεμον khrusanthemon
3. σκηνη skēnē 15. ζωδιακος zōdiakos
4. γενεσις genesis 16. παθητικος pathētikos
5. ἐξοδος exodos 17. ὀλιγαρχια oligarkhia
6. ψυχη psukhē
(= psychē)
18. ὁριζων horizōn
7. κλιμαξ klimax 19. δυσπεψια duspepsia
8. κωλον kōlon 20. Σισυφος Sisuphos
9. θωραξ thōrax 21. ’Αφροδιτη Aphroditē
10. μαθηματικα mathēmatika 22. ’Ωκεανος Ōkeanos
11. μητροπολις mētropolis 23. Εὐριπιδης Euripidēs
12. φαινομενον phainomenon 24. ‘Ομηρος Homēros
B. 1. barbaros βαρβαρος 13. arakhnophobia ἀραχνοφοβια
2. katharsis καθαρσις 14. kharaktēr χαρακτηρ
3. aretē ἀρετη 15. exēgēsis ἐξηγησις
4. mimēsis μιμησις 16. orkhēstra ὀρχηστρα
5. turannos τυραννος 17. prōton πρωτον
6. moira μοιρα 18. phusikon φυσικον
7. aristeia ἀριστεια 19. hubris ὑβρις
8. parenthesis παρενθεσις 20. Sophoklēs Σοφοκλης
9. antithesis ἀντιθεσις 21. Gorgias  Γοργιας
10. katastrophē καταστροφη 22. Dēmosthenēs Δημοσθενης
11. rhododendron ῥοδοδενδρον 23. Alexandros ’Αλεξανδρος
12. xenophobia ξενοφοβια 24. Hellēspontos ‘Ελλησποντος

§108. Exercises, Chapter 16

A. 1. ‘ΕΛΛΑΣ Hellas (= Greece)
2. ΖΕΥΣ Zeus
3. ΔΗΜΗΤΗΡ Dēmētēr
4. ‘ΗΡΟΔΟΤΟΣ Hērodotos (L Herodotus)
5. ΣΑΠΦΩ Sapphō
6. ΚΥΚΛΩΨ Kuklōps (L Cyclops)
7. ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ Pandōra
8. ’ΗΧΩ Ēkhō (L Echo)
9. ΝΑΡΚΙΣΣΟΣ Narkissos (L Narcissus)
10. ’ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ Iēsous Khristos (L Iesus Christus)
11. ΜΑΘΘΑΙΟΣ Maththaios (L Matthaeus)
12. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ Markos (L. Marcus)
13. ΛΟΥΚΑΣ Loukas (L Lucas)
14. ’ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ Iōannēs (L Iohannes)
B. 1. σταδιον stadium
2. ἀμοιβη amoeba
3. Βακχος Bacchus
4. γαγγραινα gangraena
5. Οἰδιπους Oedipus
6. κρανιον cranium
7. Δαιδαλος Daedalus
8. Λιβυη Libya

§112. Exercises, Chapter 17

A. 1. anthropology ἀνθρωπος human being
2. geometry γη earth
3. demography δημος people
4. theosophy θεος god
5. ecology οἰκος house
6. ophthalmology ὀφθαλμος eye
7. organology ὀργανον instrument
8. cardiography καρδια heart
9. technocracy τεχνη skill
10. zoology ζωον animal
11. psychometric ψοχη breath, spirit, soul
12. osteopathy ὀστεον bone
B. 1. etymology true study
2. chronometry time measurement
3. bibliomania book madness
4. economy house(hold) law
5. telescopy far viewing
6. oligarchy rule by the few
7. necromancy corpse divination
8. philosophy love of wisdom

§122. Exercises, Chapter 19

A. 1. palaeolithic neolithic
2. polygamous monogamous
3. orthodox heterodox
4. cacophony euphony
B. 1. autodidact self-taught
2. orthodontist tooth-straightener
3. isochromatic equal in colour
4. heterophyllous other-leafed
5. macropterous having long wings
6. polydactylism (too) many fingers
7. neophyte new grown, newly planted
8. panacea all-healing, cure-all
C. 1. stereophonic < G stere-o-phon-ic: stere– (στερεος, “solid”) + –o– (connecting vowel) + –phon– (φωνη, “voice”) + –ic (adj. suffix -ικος)
2. megalomania < G megal-o-mania: megal– (μεγας, “big”) + –o– (connecting vowel) + –mania (μανια, madness)
3. heterogamy < G heter-o-gamy: heter– (ἑτερος, “other”) + –o– (connecting vowel) + –gamy (γαμος, marriage)

§130. Exercises, Chapter 20

A. 1. hexameter < G hexa– (six) + –meter (measure); “having six measures”
2. tripod < G tri– (three) + –pod (foot); “having three feet”
3. quadrangle < L quadr– (four) + –angle (corner); “having four corners”
4. octahedron < G octa– (eight) + –hedron (base); “having eight bases”
5. duplicate < L du-(two) + –plic- (fold) + –ate (perf. part.); “folded in two”
6. hemisphere < G hemi– (half) + –sphere (ball); “a half ball”
7. millennium < L mill– (thousand) + –ennium (year period); “1000 years”
8. quinquefoliate < L quinque– (five) + –foliate (having leaves); “five leafed”
9. dyarchy < G dy– (two) + –archy (rule); “rule by two”
10. sexagenarian < L sexagen– (sixty) + –arian ; “someone in their sixties”
Nb. These are schematic analyses only, providing a minimum of information.
B. 1. polychrome < G poly-chrome: poly- (πολυ-, “many”) + -chrome (χρωμα, “colour”)
2. leukemia < G leuk-em-ia: leuk- (λευκ-, “white”) + -em- (αἱμα, “blood”) + -ia (noun suffix)
3. trigonometry < G tri-gon-o-metry: tri- (τρι-, “three”) + -gon- (γων-, “angle”) + -o- (connecting vowel) + -metry (-μετρια, “measurement”)
4. geomorphology < G ge-o-morph-o-logy: ge- (γη, “earth”) + -o- (connecting vowel) + -morph- (μορφη, “form”) + -o- (connecting vowel) + -logy (-λογια, “study”)
5. photophobia < G phot-o-phobia: phot- (φως, φωτ-, “light”) + -o- (connecting vowel) + -phobia (-φοβια, “fear”)



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Greek and Latin Roots: Part II - Greek Copyright © 2016 by Peter Smith (Estate) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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