
Chapter 16: The Greek Noun (Declensions 1 and 2)

§108. Exercises, Chapter 16

A.In order to test your knowledge of Greek capital letters, exactly transliterate the following proper names. Mark long vowels wherever appropriate.

1. ‘ΕΛΛΑΣ  ______________________________
2. ΖΕΥΣ  ______________________________
3. ΔΗΜΗΤΗΡ  ______________________________
4. ‘ΗΡΟΔΟΤΟΣ  ______________________________
5. ΣΑΠΦΩ  ______________________________
6. ΚΥΚΛΩΨ  ______________________________
7. ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ  ______________________________
8. ’ΗΧΩ  ______________________________
9. ΝΑΡΚΙΣΣΟΣ  ______________________________
10. ’ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ  ______________________________
11. ΜΑΘΘΑΙΟΣ  ______________________________
12. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ  ______________________________
13. ΛΟΥΚΑΣ  ______________________________
14. ’ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ  ______________________________

B.Write the following words in the Roman alphabet, spelling them as they would appear after regular adaptation into Latin (i.e., the “Latinized” forms):

1. σταδιον  ______________________________
2. ἀμοιβη  ______________________________
3. Βακχος  ______________________________
4. γαγγραινα  ______________________________
5. Οἰδιπους  ______________________________
6. κρανιον  ______________________________
7. Δαιδαλος  ______________________________
8. Λιβυη  ______________________________

For Key to Exercises (Greek), see Appendix III.


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Greek and Latin Roots: Part II - Greek Copyright © 2016 by Peter Smith (Estate) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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