Book Title: Gender: Reflections and Intersections
Book Description: Gender: Reflections and Intersections is the collaborative culmination of student contributions in the Sociology of Gender Relations class (SOCI 322) in the Fall term of 2022 at Vancouver Island University. Each student had the opportunity to submit at least one original contribution to this collection of essays and artifacts related to gender and gender relations. Class members were also responsible for the work of editing, creating the cover and internal art, photography, planning a celebration event, and assisting with the design and publication of this book.
Book Information
Book Description
Gender: Reflections and Intersections is the collaborative culmination of student contributions in the Sociology of Gender Relations class (SOCI 322) in the Fall term of 2022 at Vancouver Island University. Each student had the opportunity to submit at least one original contribution to this collection of essays and artifacts related to gender and gender relations. Contributions ranged from academic articles, opinion pieces, music, graphic art, painting, drawing, photography, poetry, infographics, and interactive pieces. Class members were also responsible for the work of editing, creating the cover and internal art, photography, planning a celebration event, and assisting with the design and publication of this book.
Book Cover Designed by Eva Rutzebeck.
Gender: Reflections and Intersections Copyright © 2023 by All contributors hold the copyright to their individual contributions. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.