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How This Book is Organized
Introduction by Vicki L. Nygaard
Introduction by Anwen Burk
Messages from the Editorial and Publication Team
Contributors List
1. Gender Relations Word Search
Aidan Brot (He/Him)
2. The Gendering of Sports: Societal Views of the Sex Segregation of Male and Female-Dominated Sports
3. First Nations Women: Reclaiming Power
Destiny F. Davidson (She/Her)
4. Image of Terri-lynn Davidson
5. The Gendered Challenges for Transgender Women in Sports
Hayes Evans (He/Him)
6. What does it Mean to be a Woman?
7. How Gender and Sexual Identity Shape Sex Work Experiences
Samantha Furneaux (She/her)
8. A Poem to My Friends
9. Ungendered: The Future of Fashion
Sydney Gallant (She/Her)
10. Fit the Clothes Not the Binary
11. Gender Bias in Diagnosing and Treating ADHD
Angela Goerz (She/Her)
12. Gender Role Development in Cis-Gendered One and Two-Parent Families
Marshall Hagel (He/Him)
13. A Gamer’s Observations: Gender Representation in Video Games
14. Creating Gender Expansive Early Childhood Education Settings
TK Hannah (They/he)
15. Sunshine, Sourdough, Seafoam, Sanct and Spaghettification
Eden Hatch (He/Him)
16. What Does "Two-Spirit" Mean?
17. Support Instead of Stigma
Naars (She/Her)
18. Bisexuality, Biromanticism, and Society
Stori Jensen-Granger (She/Her)
19. Gender (or lack thereof): A Playlist
20. “What are you? A f*ggtt or something?”: Identity Pressures in the Heteronormative Society
21. Media, Tickets, and Pay: How Sports Perpetuate Gender Norms
Jared Keim (He/Him)
22. It's Time to End the Silence on MMIWG
23. Lifegiving
24. The Co-occurrence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Dysphoria
Maven Laberge (They/She)
25. Gendered Stereotypes & Disney Movies
Emma Lachman (She/Her )
26. Abstract Vagina Art and Poem
27. Taking the Red Pill: Awakening the Phallic Curse
Rayel MacLean (She/Her)
28. The Construction of Feminine Ideals and how they exclude Non-Normative Bodies.
Madeline McIntyre (She/Her)
29. An Analysis of Non-Consensual Pornography in the Media
Breeanna Miller (She/Her)
30. Crossword Puzzle
31. Gender Bias In Sexual Assault Laws, Reporting, and Prosecution In Canada
Heather Nalezyty (She/Her)
32. Gender-based Dates Calendar
33. The Unspoken Gender Bias in the Medical Industry
Katie Near (She/her)
34. Beyond the Gender Binary: Exploring the Māhū and Hijra
Zoe Paine (She/Her)
36. TransTape(c)
Elijah T. Parker (He/Him)
37. Gender and the Spectrum of Homelessness
Thomas Roden (He/Him)
38. Reflection on Working in a Shelter
39. The Table
40. Passing, Transition and the Non-binary Experience: The Challenges of Living Outside of the Gender Binary
Eva Rutzebeck (She/They)
41. Misogynistic Technology: How Contemporary Technology Supports Sexism and Endangers Wome
David T. Schneider (He/Him)
42. The Manosphere: How online misogynistic forums are dedicated to upholding hierarchy
43. An Intersectional Approach to Understanding the Challenges of Autistic Women
Tara-Fay Sedar (She/Her)
44. Exclusivity: The Confining Binary Institution of Sports for the Non-Binary
Meagan Sharpe (She/Her)
45. A Shortlist of LGBTQIA+ Accessible Services Across Canada and the US
46. Gender Dysphoria vs. Gender Euphoria
Kendall Smith (They/She)
47. Chain Reaction
48. Gender Studies is Fundamental to Adolescent Development
Jenna Sportak (She/They)
49. Coming of Age: Self Education and Exploration
50. Gender Socialization in Children
Maya Stinert (She/Her)
51. Reflections on Gender in the Workplace
52. Iranian Women in Politics
Jessica M. Underwood (She/Her)
53. Brief History of the Women's Rights Movement in Iran
54. Gender Relations Word Search: Answers
55. Book Launch
56. Book Launch
Contributor Bios and Pictures
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Gender: Reflections and Intersections Copyright © 2023 by All contributors hold the copyright to their individual contributions. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.