
How This Book is Organized

Each of the 31 students was asked to create both an “academic” contribution and a “free choice” contribution. While some people chose to do a second academic article as their “free choice”, others elected to create art, music, collage, and so on. Additionally, not all free choice contributions needed to be tangible, in the sense that people could “see” them in the published book itself. For example, several people were needed through the semester to work on the Editorial and Book Launch Team.

Because of people’s differing roles in the book project, or in some cases, due to issues beyond the control of some class members, in the end, not every student ended up with two “viewable” contributions. Regardless, the eclectic collection you find here is the result of the collaboration and support shared by all 31 students in the Sociology of Gender Relations class at Vancouver Island University over the Fall of 2022. Every single person in the class played an integral role in this publication and I hope they are very proud of the book we collectively produced.

To the best of the Editorial Team’s capacity all pieces were edited for clarity, comprehension and correctness. However, some pieces have been published as is with the potential for polishing at a future time. Thank you for your grace in overlooking any errors. As with all worthwhile things, this will continue as a work in progress.



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Gender: Reflections and Intersections Copyright © 2023 by All contributors hold the copyright to their individual contributions. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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