
1 A Mind Spread out on the Ground


Intersection between Colonialism and Mental Health in Indigenous Communities, Social Determinants of Mental Health, Culture as Resilience Factor, Impact of Language, Doctrine of Discovery/Colonialism, Grief (role of grief in society/different cultures)


Counselling, Music Therapy, HCA, ECCE, EA, Humanities (English, linguistics, FNLG), Social Sciences (history, sociology, psychology) Communications, Community Development, (Documentary Film)

Guiding Questions:

  1. For what reasons do you think Elliot describes the therapist as ‘particularly unqualified’ to address her depression?


  1. Review pages 6-7. Respond to the question, ‘What does that type of pain, mourning and loss do to you?” through an image, poem, song or story.


  1. Research the Doctrine of Discovery. Journal your responses to what you learn.


  1. Elliott describes Canada as an abusive father.
    • What is the relationship of macro and micro abuse? What are the impacts?
    • Why did the author choose this wording?
    • What do those words make you think of?


  1. On page 11, Elliott writes, “In fact, the Mind over Mood Depression Inventory could double as a checklist for the effects of colonialism on our people.” Whom would you write a letter to in response to this paragraph, and what would you want to say?


  1. On page 12, Elliott describes the Haudenonsaunee condolence ceremony. What is the relation between grief and depression? What is your own experience of grief in reading this chapter? What practices do/could help you attend to and process grief more fully?


  1. Elliott challenges the construction of depression as separate from social determinants. How does language shape your understanding of mental health? In a group, create a list of terms and phrases you are most familiar with when describing mental health and illness. Create a wordle.


  1. Why do you think the author wrote this chapter? What surprised you about this chapter? Explore what has changed/shifted for you after reading this chapter in your understanding of history/depression/Indigenous people/mental health through a poem, drawing, graphic illustration or other expressive medium.



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Discussion Guide for A Mind Spread Out on the Ground Copyright © by Capilano University Centre for Teaching Excellence is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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