Book Title: Personal Care Skills for Health Care Assistants

Authors: Tracy M. Christianson, RN, BSN, MN, DHEd, CCNE and Kimberley Morris, RN, BN, MN

Cover image for Personal Care Skills for Health Care Assistants

Book Description: The OER is founded on best-practices related to the competencies and skills for health care assistant (HCA) students, specifically in HCA programs following the British Columbia Provincial curriculum - Health Care Assistant Program Provincial Curriculum Guide 2015. However, the content covered within this textbook can be applied to most HCA program curriculum and offers students the opportunity to acquire personal care and assistance skills within the parameters of the HCA role. The content helps the student learn the theoretical principles and concepts along with understanding the steps of practical skills required to maintain and promote the comfort, safety and independence of individuals in community and facility contexts.

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike


Book Information

Book Description

The OER is founded on best-practices related to the competencies and skills for health care assistant (HCA) students, specifically in HCA programs following the British Columbia Provincial curriculum – Health Care Assistant Program Provincial Curriculum Guide 2015. However, the content covered within this textbook can be applied to most HCA program curriculum and offers students the opportunity to acquire personal care and assistance skills within the parameters of the HCA role. The content helps the student learn the theoretical principles and concepts along with understanding the steps of practical skills required to maintain and promote the comfort, safety and independence of individuals in community and facility contexts.

Book Source

This book is a cloned version of Personal Care Skills for Health Care Assistants by Tracy M. Christianson, RN, MN, DHEd, CCNE and Kimberley Morris, RN, BN, MN, published using Pressbooks under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license. It may differ from the original.


Tracy M. Christianson, RN, BSN, MN, DHEd, CCNE and Kimberley Morris, RN, BN, MN


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Personal Care Skills for Health Care Assistants Copyright © 2023 by Tracy Christianson and Kimberly Morris, Thompson Rivers University. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Personal Care Skills for Health Care Assistants
Tracy M. Christianson, RN, BSN, MN, DHEd, CCNE and Kimberley Morris, RN, BN, MN
Danielle Collins

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Personal Care Skills for Health Care Assistants Copyright © 2023 by Tracy Christianson and Kimberly Morris, Thompson Rivers University. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

© 2023 Tracy M. Christianson & Kimberley Morris

Personal Care Skills for Health Care Assistants was adapted from a number of open educational resources listed in About This Book. It was shared under a Memorandum of Understanding with BCcampus to be adapted as an open education resource (OER).

The CC licence permits you to retain, reuse, copy, redistribute, and revise this book—in whole or in part—for free providing it is for non-commercial purposes, and remixed or adapted work is reshared under the same license, and the author is attributed as follows:

Personal Care Skills for Health Care Assistants by Tracy M. Christianson & Kimberley Morris is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.

If you redistribute all or part of this book, it is recommended the following statement be added to the copyright page so readers can access the original book at no cost:

Download for free from the B.C. Open Collection.

Sample APA-style citation (7th Edition):

Christianson, T. M, & Morris, K. (2023). Personal care skills for Health Care Assistants. BCcampus.

Cover image attribution:

Caring” by OpenClipart has been designated to the public domain.

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Visit BCcampus Open Education to learn about open education in British Columbia.

Thompson Rivers University
Publication Date
April 30, 2023