10.3 The Role of the HCA in Emergency Response

Hospital Emergency Codes

Emergency response includes any systematic response to an unexpected or dangerous occurrence with the goal of quickly controlling the situation and lessening the impact on people and the environment. Hospital emergency codes are coded messages often announced over a public address system in the hospital to alert staff to various classes of on-site emergencies. These colour codes are used in hospitals worldwide for various kinds of emergency situations. Unfortunately, the colours assigned to different types of emergencies have varied greatly between sites and regions, which causes confusion.

In British Columbia, the use of standardized emergency codes (See Table 10.3.1) is intended to convey essential information quickly to appropriate staff through a common message that prevents misunderstanding and confusion. These standardized codes signal the need for an urgent response without unnecessarily alerting patients, clients, or visitors. This helps to minimize stress and prevent panic. Staff who are reassigned to a new facility or site or who practice in more than one facility need to be immediately familiar with a code identifying the nature of a given crisis and their expected response.

In order for a code call to be useful in activating the response of specific hospital personnel to a given situation, it is usually accompanied by a specific location description (e.g., “Code Blue, seven floor, room seven-twenty”). In comparison, other codes will only signal hospital staff, as a whole, to prepare for the consequences of some external event such as a natural disaster (e.g. “Code Green”).

Figure 10.3.1 Colour Codes Quick Reference Guide [Image desrcription]. Click to view the image full size.

The following lists are examples of what may be expected of HCAs for the four most called codes at a particular site. Remember, no matter the code, be sure to follow the agency procedures:


  • Activate help (this may simply involve notifying the unit clerk, LPN or RN nearest to the phone system, or emergency call button).
  • Remove all obstructions from the client’s bedside and room (bedside table, chairs, etc.).
  • Close the privacy drapes of any clients in the same room.
  • Stand in the hallway and direct emergency personnel to the correct room.
  • Be available to retrieve supplies and equipment that the code response team may require.
  • Comfort any clients who may be located in the same room.
  • Clean and tidy the area after the event.


  • Activate help (this may simply involve notifying the unit clerk, LPN or RN nearest to the phone system or emergency call button).
  • Maintain personal safety at all times.
  • Stand in the hallway and direct emergency personnel to the correct room.
  • Be available to retrieve supplies and equipment that the code response team may require.
  • Comfort any clients who may be located in the same room.
  • Clean and tidy the area after the event.
  • Recognizing that a member of the interprofessional care team may not be available as a resource for HCA practice during the time they are responding to an event, identify the next appropriate care provider who will provide guidance and direction.


  • Activate help (this may involve notifying the unit clerk, LPN or RN nearest to the phone system).
  • Seek direction from the interprofessional care team.
  • Join unit team members in the systematic search of the unit.
  • Be specific and thorough in your search processes.
  • Report back to the RN or team leader as soon as your area has been searched to receive further direction.

Code RED

  • Activate help (this may simply involve notifying the unit clerk, LPN or RN nearest to the phone system or emergency call button).
  • Follow the procedures as outlined by the workplace. Content is covered by on-line orientation for students doing placements at health region sites.


In this unit, you learned about some of the types of lines, tubes, and drainage systems, and dressings that you might encounter with acute care clients. As an HCA, it is important to know how to not only provide care for such clients, but also to make observations so as to document and report alterations that may mean negative changes in the client.

Also, you learned about the standardized emergency codes used throughout British Columbia. These codes allow for healthcare organizations to mobilize staff in a quick and efficient way to address the specified emergency. As an HCA, it is important for you to know these, what your role will be during emergencies, and how to respond. It is also important to follow each agency’s procedures for using these codes.

Learning Exercise

  1. When providing perineal care to clients (male or female) always work from dirtiest to cleanest.
    1. True
    2. False
  2. Perineal care is part of morning care and does not need to be done at other times if the client is soiled or wet.
    1. True
    2. False
  3. Good Hygiene:
    1. Increases circulation
    2. Cleanses the body
    3. Is relaxing
    4. Prevents body and breath odors
    5. All of the Above
  4. What are the areas washed when giving a partial bed bath. (select all that apply)
    1. Axillae
    2. Hands
    3. Perineal area
    4. Face
    5. Back
    6. Feet
    7. Buttocks
    8. All of the above
  5. When giving care you should wear gloves at all times
    1. False
    2. True
  6. As a Health Care Assistant, it is important for you to observe the client’s teeth and gums. What signs of early problems would you report promptly?
    1. Foul breath
    2. Rough sharp or chipped areas on dentures
    3. Bleeding, swelling or redness of the gums
    4. All of the above
    5. Missing or loose teeth
    6. Dry, cracked, swollen or blistered lips
  7. A complete bed bath:
    1. Is used when the client can complete most their care on their own
    2. Involves bathing the face, hands, axillae, back, buttocks and perineal area
    3. Is given to all clients
    4. Involves washing the entire body while the client is still in bed
  8. Which of the following is the correct way to wash the female perineal area:
    1. Wash in a circular motion from the outside to inside
    2. Wash back and forth over the entire area several times
    3. Wash from the urethra to the anal area
    4. Wash from the anal area toward the urtethra
  9. A back massage:
    • A. Relaxes muscles and stimulates circulation
    • B. Is a part of morning and evening care.
    • C. Should last 3-5 minutes
    • D. Allows the HCA time to observe the clients skin condition
    1. B, C, D
    2. A, C, D
    3. A, B, C
    4. A, B, D,
    5. All of the above
  10. The presence of bleeding gums during oral hygiene procedures is usually a sign of inflammation and means less mouth care is needed.
    1. True
    2. False


Figure 10.3.1: Standardized Codes in British Columbia BC Ministry of Health Services. https://www.fraserhealth.ca/-/media/Project/FraserHealth/FraserHealth/employees/clinical-resources/acute-care-orientation/Quick-reference-guide-poster-tabloid-7111-Dec22.pdf


Anderson, R., Rees, G., & McCutcheon, J. (n.d.). Clinical procedures for safter patient care – Thompson Rivers University edition. https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/clinicalproceduresforsaferpatientcaretrubscn/

British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). (2015a). Patient care for sonography. In, NURS 1186. Vancouver, BC: BCIT.

BC Ministry of Health Services. (2011). Policy communique: Standardised hospital colour codes. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/keeping-bc-healthy-safe/health-emergency-response/standardized-hospital-colour-codes.pdf

Interior Health  Authority. (2016). Royal Inland Hospital- Intensive care unit – “Let’s take the pressure off.”

Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., & Ostendorf, W. R. (2018). Clinical nursing skills and techniques (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby.

Image Descriptions

Figure 10.3.1 Colour Codes Quick Reference Guide

A table explaining the emergency colour codes with logos of Providence Health Care, Vancouver Coastal Health, Provincial Health Services Authority, Fraser Health, HEMBC.

To activate a code, dial 7111. Refer to the site Emergency Response and Code Manual for site specific procedures.

Code Who can activate Who responds What to do
Red: Fire Anyone discovering smoke or fire
  • All staff
  • Code Red Response Team
  • Fire Department
  • Remove people
  • Activate alarm
  • Contain smoke/fire
  • Extinguish/Evacuate
Blue: Cardiac Arrest Medical Emergency (Adult/Pediatric when applicable) Anyone who finds a person in an immediate medical emergency
  •  Code Blue Team
Make way for the Code Blue Team, give assistance as directed.
White: Violence/Aggressive Behaviour Anyone who witnesses violent/aggressive behaviour
  • Code White Team
  • Security
Assist as trained to do so or as directed
Yellow: Missing Patient/client Charge Nurse/Designate
  • All staff
Refer to missing patient/client description, search area
Green: Evacuation Administrator In-Charge/Designate
  • All staff
Prepare to assist with evacuation and/or receive patients in your work area
Orange: Mass Casualty/Disaster Administrator In-Charge/Designate
  • All staff
Activate functional area or departmental plan as directed
Black: Bomb Threat Administrator In-Charge/Designate
  • All staff
  • Security
  • Police
Give assistance as directed, conduct a visual search of your area for unusual objects
Brown: Hazardous Spill Supervisor/Designate when spill/leak meets workplace health guidelines
  • Contracted Chemical Response Team
Keep yourself and others away from spill
Grey: System Failure Administrator In-Charge/Designate
  • System specialists
Give assistance as directed, refer to downtime and code procedures
Pink: Obstetric/Neonatal Emergency Clinical staff in designated units
  • Code Pink Team
Make way for Code Pink Team
Amber: Missing or Abducted Infant/Child Manager/Designate
  • All staff
Refer to missing or abducted infant/child description. search area
Silver: Active Attacker Anyone who discovers/witnesses/
encounters an active attacker
  • All staff
  • Police
  • Run if there is a safe escape route
  • Hide if you cannot evacuate
  • Fight if your life is in imminent danger

Consider your safety first in any emergency.

[Back to Figure 10.3.1]


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Personal Care Skills for Health Care Assistants Copyright © 2023 by Tracy Christianson and Kimberly Morris, Thompson Rivers University. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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