
Chapter 6. Proteins

Proteins in a Nutshell

Proteins are long chains of amino acids folded into precise structures that determine their functions, which are in the tens of thousands. They are the primary construction materials of the body serving as building blocks for bone, skin, hair, muscle, hormones, and antibodies. Without them, we cannot break down or build macromolecules, grow, or heal from a wound. Too little protein impairs bodily functions and too much can lead to chronic diseases. Eating proteins in moderation means that they should account for at least 10 percent of the calories you take in and not more than 35 percent. Proteins are in a variety of foods. More complete sources are in animal-based foods, but choose those low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Some plant-based foods are also complete protein sources and don’t add much to your saturated fat or cholesterol intake. Incomplete protein sources can easily be combined in the daily diet and provide all of the essential amino acids at adequate levels. Growing children and the elderly need to ensure they get enough protein in their diet to help build and maintain muscle strength. Even if you’re a hardcore athlete, get your proteins from nutrient-dense foods as you need more than just protein to power up for an event. Incorporating traditional foods such as nuts, fish, fruits, and vegetables not only adds diversity to our diet but also honours the rich cultural heritage of Indigenous peoples. These foods have sustained Indigenous communities for generations, providing essential nutrients and contributing to overall health. Nuts are one nutrient-dense food with a whole lot of protein. One ounce of pistachios, which is about fifty nuts, has the same amount of protein as an egg and contains lots of vitamins, minerals, healthy polyunsaturated fats, and antioxidants. In fact, eating one ounce of nuts per day can lower your risk of heart disease. Some plant-based foods can be particularly beneficial for individuals who follow vegetarian or vegan diets, as well as those with specific dietary preferences or religious beliefs that restrict animal-based foods. Indigenous cultures have long recognized the value of plant-based proteins and have traditionally incorporated a variety of sources into their diets. For instance, legumes such as beans, lentils, and chickpeas are not only excellent sources of protein but are also staples in many Indigenous cuisines. Additionally, grains like quinoa, amaranth, and wild rice provide essential amino acids and have been cultivated by Indigenous peoples for centuries, showcasing their rich traditional knowledge of sustainable food sources.

Can you be a hardcore athlete and a vegetarian? The analysis of vegetarian diets did not find that professional athletes were inadequate in any nutrients but it did state that people who obtain proteins solely from plants should make sure they consume foods with vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and choline. Iron and zinc may also be of concern, especially for female athletes. Being a vegetarian athlete requires paying more attention to what you eat, however, this is also a true statement for all athletes.

Everyday Connection

Getting All the Nutrients You Need—The Plant-Based Way

Below are five ways to ensure you are getting all the nutrients needed on a plant-based diet:

  1. Get your protein from foods such as soybeans, tofu, tempeh, lentils, and beans, beans, and more beans. Many of these foods are high in zinc too.
  2. Eat foods fortified with vitamins B12 and D, and calcium. Some examples are soy milk and fortified cereals.
  3. Get enough iron in your diet by eating kidney beans, lentils, whole-grain cereals, and leafy green vegetables.
  4. To increase iron absorption, eat foods with vitamin C at the same time and avoid dairy products or caffeine when you consume plant sources of iron.
  5. Don’t forget that carbohydrates and fats are required in your diet too, especially if you are training. Eat whole-grain breads, cereals, and pasta. For fats, eat an avocado, add some olive oil to a salad or stir-fry, or spread some peanut or cashew butter on a bran muffin.


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Proteins in a Nutshell Copyright © 2022 by Luisa Giles and Komal Dhaliwal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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