
Appendix A

The Metaphor Questions for chapter 3.

  • If science was an animal, what animal would it be? Explain.
  • If science was an object, what object would it be? Explain.
  • If science were one or more of the following, what would it be? Why?[1]
Set #1
a car a totem pole a circle
a tree a drum
Set #2
a puzzle a medicine wheel a garden
a story/legend a court case
Set #3
Pyramid a forest a feast or potlatch
a song or dance an experiment
  • Of all the metaphors listed above, which is your favourite metaphor for science and why? What is your second favourite metaphor? Which metaphor is your least favourite? Please explain. Please generate your own metaphor for science and explain.
  • I am to science as…[2]
a driver is to a car a mechanic is to a car a passenger is to a car
an author is to a book a reader is to a book a character is to a book
an inmate is to a prison a warden is to prison a guard is to prison
a chief is to a community a child is to a community an elder is to a community

Which one of the following images best describes how science is taught in school? Why?[3]

Set #1
a car a boat a garden
a forest a factory
Set #2
a prison a longhouse a computer
a carving a tree
Set #3
a painting a medicine wheel a church
a calculator a sport (such as hockey, basketball, etc.)
  • Of all the metaphors listed above, which is your favourite metaphor for how science is taught and why? What is your second favourite metaphor? Of the metaphors listed above, are there any that the way science is taught would not be? Please explain. Please generate your own metaphor for how science is taught and explain.
  • If the way that science is taught could be changed, which one of the above metaphors best describes the way that you would like to see it taught? Why? Is there a metaphor that you would select second?

  1. The same question will be asked at the beginning of each set. "Why" will be asked after each question.
  2. Explain your experience, role, or relationship in/with science.
  3. The same question will be asked at the beginning of each set. "Why" will be asked after each question.


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Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science, Book 2 Copyright © 2018 by Gloria Snively and Wanosts'a7 Lorna Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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