
Application. ALR Exclusion in South Cariboo



Assigned task

As a Land Use Planner with the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), you have been asked to review an application submitted by the land owner via the Cariboo Regional District to exclude 30.4 hectares from a 53.7 hectare property to create a twenty-eight lot residential subdivision.  Your primary source of information is the application to the ALC (Application # 00000), along with supporting materials.  See below for links to documents.  Your task is to complete the following.


1. ALC Staff Report (length: typically, 3 pages)

Prepare a staff report for members of the ALC Interior Panel. The purpose of the report is to summarise the most relevant details to support’s the Panel’s review and decision. You are to follow a standard ALC format for these reports (use the blank template provided). Under the Comments section, include a set of brief, neutral comments you think are important for the Panel members to consider.


2. Discussion and Conclusion (1,000 words maximum)

Based on available information, you are to assess the application for exclusion using the purposes of the Commission as criteria (ALC Act s. 6). You should address whether the property is appropriately designated as ALR. You must consider each of the following as part of your discussion of the merits of the application.

– Assessment of agricultural capability;

– Assessment of agricultural suitability;

– Assessment of impact on agriculture; and,

– Assessment of other factors.


In your conclusion, briefly summarise possible reasons for supporting the exclusion and possible reasons for rejecting the exclusion.  Clearly state whether you would approve or reject the application.  If you support excluding the parcel, include any conditions and tools you deem necessary for the proposed exclusion. Conditions must be consistent with the Farm Practices Protection Act.  Include any additional information you deem necessary.



  • Submit your reports as one document (with the two parts included).
  • The application to rezone the subject property was made several years ago and has been revised as if the application was submitted in 2021The content of the original application is essentially the same; the dates have been changed.  Process this application under the current legislative framework.
  • Assume that the ALC has not made a decision; your report is part of that decision process.  The real ALC decision is on file; do not use this to complete your assignment.  You can use the application materials to complete the blank staff report template.  However, avoid simply copying and pasting the information; understanding the purpose and scope of the information required to complete an ALC staff report is essential to completing the second part of the assignment.
  • Part 2 of the assigned task (Discussion and Conclusion) does not fall within the normal duties of ALC staff. Specifically, ALC staff do not provide recommendations in staff reports on whether to approve or refuse an application.  As such, part 2 of the assigned task is for instructional purposes only.



Unceded traditional territory of the Secwépemc

This application describes places and activities on the unceded lands of the Secwépemc.


The entire subject property (~53.4 ha) is in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and is located approximately 10 km east of 100 Mile House.  An aerial photograph of the subject property is included in the application package.  The landowners are requesting an ALR exclusion for the southern portion with the intention of developing a residential subdivision on the excluded property.  The proposed residential properties would be comprised of 28 one-hectare lots.  The remaining 23 ha would remain in the ALR.


Application and supporting documents


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Land Use Planning in British Columbia Copyright © 2023 by David J. Connell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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