



BC Laws

Agricultural Land Commission Act [SBC 2002] c. 36

Agricultural Land Reserve General Regulation, B.C. Reg. 57/2020

Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation, B.C. Reg. 30/2019

Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act [RSBC 1996] c. 131

Local Government Act [RSBC 1996] c. 323

Land Act [RSBC 1996] c. 245



Smith, B. M. (1998). Planning for Agriculture. Provincial Agricultural Land Commission.
[scroll down to see links to four parts of the manual]

Excerpt from abstract:

Planning for Agriculture is a comprehensive guide for local government planners, farmers, and other stakeholders which provides a detailed review of plan and bylaw delivery systems and how agriculture can best fit within these processes.  Key issues facing agriculture are considered along with practical suggestions and solutions that may be achieved through local initiatives.  The importance of a more focused effort to plan for agriculture’s sustainability through the adoption of ‘agricultural area plans’ and the detailed development of land use policy along critical portions of agriculture’s interface are highlighted.


BC Ministry of Agriculture: Guide to Bylaw Development in Farming Areas

The Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming Areas offers standards for developing and amending bylaws affecting farming areas and provides general information for handling other planning issues involving agriculture.


BC Ministry of Agriculture. (2015). Guide to Edge Planning: Promoting Compatibility Along Agricultural Urban Edges.

Excerpt from introduction:

Most cities and towns of B.C. grew up where agriculture occurred.  As the settlements expand, they are pressing up against the valuable ALR.  The interface between agricultural and urban land uses is an area that is often vulnerable to conflict.  Traditionally, it has not been the subject of focussed planning efforts, largely due to the historic fluidity of the agriculture-urban edge.  In the past, as urban areas expanded, the “edge” moved further into former farming areas.  However, in British Columbia, compared with many other jurisdictions, the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) provides an opportunity to reverse the long-standing assumption that it is natural and inevitable to compromise food lands for the sake of urbanization.



BC Minister of Agriculture’s Advisory Committee for Revitalizing the Agricultural Land Reserve and the Agricultural Land Commission (2018). Final Committee Report to the Minister of Agriculture: Recommendations for Revitalization.

This final report sets out a comprehensive list of recommendations.


Bullock, Richard (2012). Changing the Way We Do Business: An Update on the Transition of the Agricultural Land Commission, August 23, 2012.

This is a ‘message from the Chair’ that outlines the changes made to the ALC since the completion of the organisational review in 2010 (see next annotation).


Bullock, Richard (2010). Review of the Agricultural Land Commission. Moving Forward: A Strategic Vision of the Agricultural Land Commission for Future Generations, November 26, 2010.

This report is the outcome of a review of the ALC’s operations, policy, regulations, and legislation.  The purpose of the review was to verify that the ALC is meeting its mandate while looking for ways to improve its decision making processes.


Quayle, Moura (1998). Stakes in the Ground: Provincial Interest in the Agricultural Land Commission Act. A report to the Minister of Agriculture and Food.
The author provides a legal opinion on the merit of a “provincial interest” in agricultural land, discussing the legal basis and implications for such a position.

Curran, D. (2005). Protecting the working landscape of agriculture: A smart growth direction for municipalities in British Columbia. West Coast Environmental Law.

Excerpt from introduction:

This report details the range of tools local governments are using to protect the agricultural working landscape, and directs readers to specific examples of local government bylaws and policies.  Its purpose is to encourage local governments to adopt effective tools for protecting the working agricultural landscape.


Curran, D. (2007). British Columbia’s Agricultural Land Reserve: A legal review of the question of “community need.” SmartGrowth BC.

Excerpt from introduction:

The purpose of this report is to examine the Agricultural Land Commission’s recent attention to the concepts of “regional responsiveness” and “community need” in light of its mandate to preserve agricultural land as set out in the Agricultural Land Commission Act.



Agricultural Land Commission

50 years

In support of the ALC’s 50th anniversary, the ALC compiled several important reports that, collectively, document the history of the ALC and ALR.


BC Ministry of Agriculture: Strengthening Farming

This website collects and organizes a whole range of publications related to planning for agriculture in British Columbia.  Interested parties may access: agricultural statistics, best practices guidelines, reports and factsheets, and GIS land use inventory data.


Climate Change Adaptation Program

The Climate Change Adaptation Program was a province-wide initiative led by industry with the goal of helping producers successfully adapt to the impacts of a changing climate.  Through its two sub-programs, the Regional Adaptation Program and the Farm Adaptation Innovator Program, the Program provided funding for the development and implementation of collaborative regional adaptation strategies, innovative adaptation action at the farm level, and industry communication.  Background materials include a review of climate change scenarios for the province and its regions, as well as assessments of risks and opportunities for the agricultural and food sectors.


Cariboo Regional District

Directory of all Bylaws

Cariboo Regional District, South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Bylaw 5171, 2018

Cariboo Regional District, South Cariboo Area Zoning Bylaw No. 3501, 1999.



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Land Use Planning in British Columbia Copyright © 2023 by David J. Connell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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