
36 Lock 1: Mindset

Is it important that all learners are able to access the material you want them to learn?

Do you think it’s valuable that learners have the agency to learn independently?

Is ensuring that all learners are included important in your classroom?


Do you have the skills and knowledge to make your beliefs actionable?

No is an acceptable, even expected, answer. This guide is designed to give you the skills to fulfill your intentions.

Next, let’s consider your workflow.

I’d like to learn more

“learners with disabilities do the unpaid legwork of finding their own accessible materials, and teaching educators and peers accessible digital practices.” – Provocations: Who is being accommodated? – CanDARE

“This work seeks to problematize the excess labour inaccessible content imposes on some users.” – Accessible Content (A11y Handbook)

Who impacted videos from Digital Accessibility On-demand?

Digital ≠ accessible. “Some digital texts have been saved in ways that render them completely illegible to screen reading and text-to-speech technology. Some can be read, but the heading structure is missing so the text can’t be navigated by a learner. Imagine trying to find your place in a textbook mid-way through term when you can’t visually flip to the page, and there isn’t a way to navigate by chapters”

“have to find or request an alternate version of the text, or they won’t be able to read it.” – Digitally Inaccessible Readings Take Extra Time and Extra Cognitive Load


Langara Sandbox Copyright © by Luke McKnight. All Rights Reserved.

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