

Since invitees are often busy and need sufficient lead time to fit the event into their schedules, invitations should be sent to nominees, nominators, and special guests around a month in advance.

Emailing Invitees

To manage the invitations and nominations, a shared email account is helpful for the OER Champions Planning Team. At UBC (Vancouver), the email address (oer.champion@ubc.ca) has been set up to send invitations from, so this work can be shared between teams.[1] The invitation message can be written into the body of the email, with the option to attach a more formal invitation as a PDF.

Invitations should include:

  • Clear and concise subject line (i.e. Invitation to attend OER Champions Reception);
  • Congratulations and a brief overview of the OER Champions award;
  • Date, time, and address of event;
  • Link to RSVP form;
  • Deadline for RSVP;
  • Official AMS/SUO email signature.

Template – Invitations

The following invitation templates can be adapted based on your campus context and the type of event you are hosting. The first document contains templates for the body of the email, and the second is for a formal invitation. Both are in Open Document format and can be opened with word processing tools (e.g. Word, Google Docs, etc.).

The RSVP form should capture all the information you need to prepare for the event:

  • Full Name
  • Email
  • Department
  • Dietary restrictions, if food is being served
  • Name of additional guest (if plus ones are invited)


Qualtrics is UBC’s primary tool for running surveys. For more information on how to use Qualtrics see the UBC IT Guide.

Template – Qualtrics RSVP form

The following is the Qualtrics form for attendee RSVPs . The template is available both in the Qualtrics qsf format and a Open Document format for use with word processing tools (e.g. Word, Google Docs, etc.).

  • RSVP (Qualtrics qsf format)
  • RSVP (ODT format)


  1. To get access to the UBC (Vancouver) OER Champions email, email CTLT (Vancouver).


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Student Open Education Advocacy Copyright © by Erin Fields; Donna Langille; and Leila Malkin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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