
Identify & Using Existing Resources – Searching & Tracking OER

There are several places to find open content to use in your text.  The UBC Summon search can provide you with other openly licensed texts that may allow you to reuse the content. Google provides an advanced search that allows you to limit your search to a variety of openly licensed items. There are also open repositories and aggregators that specifically provide access to openly licensed material for use in educational settings.  To learn about these spaces and how to search them, go the UBC Library Open Education LibGuide.

Permissions & Attribution Tracking

Before you start identifying complementary resources to use in your open text, you need to develop a process of capturing the permissions and details about the objects to ensure that you are using the resource properly in your text and that you are accurately attributing the work.

A permissions and attribution tracker will help you track all necessary information for attribution (i.e., title, author, source, and license).  You should keep track of attribution information as you search to ensure that all additional elements are compatible with your resources overall license before you begin writing content.  Failing to adequately track attribution information from the outset may require time-consuming edits at later stages of the writing process.


Attribution Tracking Downloadable Template

Use the Attribution Tracking Template [XLS] for tracking information needed to properly attribute the media items you use (according to the TASL best practices for attribution).

UBC Supports – Attribution of Resources in the Open

To learn about the kinds of support available for your open textbook project, review UBC Supports.



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UBC Open Text Publishing Guide Copyright © 2022 by Erin Fields; Amanda Grey; Donna Langille; and Clair Swanson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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