
Funding Opportunities

Open Educational Resources Fund

The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver is pleased to invite the UBC community to apply for the UBCV  Open Educational Resources (OER) Fund Rapid Innovation and Implementation Grants. 

The OER Fund consists of two grant pathways:

  • OER Implementation Grants: Grants of up to $25,000 for UBCV faculty who wish to incorporate open educational resources as the primary materials into their UBCV credit courses.
  • OER Rapid Innovation Grants: Grants of up to $2,000, which are available to the UBCV community for innovative activities that increase open educational resources development, awareness, and capacity building. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until the year’s funds are exhausted.

To learn more go to https://oerfund.open.ubc.ca/.

Teaching and Learning Education Fund

The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) was created in 1991 to enrich student learning by supporting innovative and effective educational enhancements. There are two funding paths:

  • Large TLEF Transformation Projects: Total possible funding over the life of the project: $250,000
  • Small TLEF Innovation Projects: Total possible funding over the life of the project: $50,000

For additional information about the TLEF proposal process, go to https://tlef.ubc.ca/application/tlef-criteria/.


UBC Vancouver Supports – Grant Consultation and Review

Beginning in September, CTLT and Faculty support units will be hosting a series of virtual online drop-in sessions to help applicants in the development of their Large TLEF Transformation, Small TLEF Innovation, and Open Educational Resources (OER) Fund project proposals. Sign up for an event through the CTLT calendar.

For individual consultation on your open education grant, contact:

  • Will Engle, Strategist, Open Education Initiatives, CTLT
  • Erin Fields, Open Education & Scholarly Communications Librarian, UBC Vancouver Library


OER Resource Grant Program

The OER Resources Grant Program provides funding up to $10,000 to UBCO faculty members who wish to adapt or create open educational resources.

To learn more about eligibility and to view previous grant-funded projects go to https://provost.ok.ubc.ca/awards-funding/oer/

Aspire-2040 Learning Transformations Fund

The Aspire Learning and Teaching (ALT) Fund was established in 2015 to accelerate the transformative learning recommendations of the Aspire Vision and UBC’s Strategic Plan. The Provost of The University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus, in collaboration with Deans’ Council, invites proposals to the Aspire-2040 Learning Transformations (ALT-2040) Fund. Up to $30,000 may be requested for projects that focus on developing and implementing strategic curricular innovations that have program-level impact.


To learn more about eligibility and to view previous grant-funded projects go to https://alt-2040.ok.ubc.ca/apply/guidelines/


UBC Okanagan Supports – Grant Consultation and Review

For a consultation on your open education grant, contact:

  • Donna Langille, Community Engagement and Open Education Librarian, UBC Okanagan Library


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UBC Open Text Publishing Guide Copyright © 2022 by Erin Fields; Amanda Grey; Donna Langille; and Clair Swanson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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