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Author: will
Book Contents Navigation
1. Getting Started
2. Why Open Scholarship?
3. What is Open Scholarship?
Open Access
4. Open Access Shared Reflection
5. 3.9 Additional Resources
1.1 Academic Publishing Today
1.2 The Digital Shift and Open Access
1.3 The Economics of Publishing
1.4 The Role of the Academic Library
1.5 Predatory Publishing
6. 1.6 Publishing and the Academy
7. 1.7 Wrap Up
8. 2 Author Rights
9. 2.1 Defining Intellectual Property
2.2 The Value of Intellectual Property
2.3 Publisher Agreements
10. 2.4 Publisher Negotiations
11. 2.5 Intellectual Property and Open
12. 2.6 Traditional Knowledge
13. 2.7 Wrap Up
3. Pathways to Open
14. 3.1 Open Access Basics
15. 3.2 Opportunities and Challenges
16. 3.3 Open Access Models
17. 3.4 Other Open Access Models
18. 3.5 Open Access Mandates
19. 3.6 Preprint Servers
20. 3.7 Open for Whom?
21. 3.8 Wrap Up
22. 6.8 Additional Resources
23. 4. Open Workflows
24. 4.1 What is an Open Workflow?
25. 4.2 Why Does it Matter?
26. 4.3 Reproducibility & Replicability
27. 4.4 Working in a Reproducible & Replicable Manner
28. 4.5 Best Practices for Organizing Work
29. 4.6 Open Workflows in Practice
30. 4.7 Future Trends
31. 4.8 Wrap Up
32. 5.1 What is Open Software?
33. 5.2 Why it Matters?
34. 5.3 Open Code
35. 5.4 Degrees of Transparency
36. 5 Open Software
37. 5.5 Version Control
38. 5.6 Reproducible Environments
39. 5.7 Implementing Open Software
40. 5.8 Wrap Up
41. 6. Open Data
42. 6.1 What is Open Data
43. 6.2 The Value of Open Data
44. 6.3 Making Your Data Open
45. 6.4 Describe
46. 6.5 Preserve and Share
47. 6.6 Using Open Data
48. 6.7 Wrap Up
49. Reviewing OER for Adaption
50. Open Education Shared Reflection
51. Additional Resources
7.1 What is Creative Commons?
7.2 What Are the Different Types of Creative Commons Licenses?
7.3 Finding and Reusing CC Licensed Works
52. 7.4 Applying a CC License and Sharing One's Own Work
7.5 Wrap Up
8.1 What is OER
8.2 What Makes an Educational Resource Open?
8.3 The Spectrum of Open
8.4 Why Use OER
8.5 Finding & Evaluating OER
8.6 Adapting OER
8.7 Creating OER
8.8 Sharing OER
8.9 OER Marketing & Promotion
8.10 Wrap Up
9.1 What is Open Pedagogy
9.2 Students As Knowledge Creators
54. 9.3 Risk, Privacy & Ownership
9.4 Examples and Ideas for Open Assignments
9.5 Wrap Up
55. Activity Bank
56. Open Access Activity Bank
57. Journal Self-archiving Policies
58. Calculate your h-index
59. Find and remix an open video resource
60. Find an Open Data Set for Your Course
61. What can I use this open data for?
62. The Case of the Coalition for Responsible Sharing
63. Publisher Agreements and Knowing Your Rights
64. Predatory Publishing
65. Join the Open UBC Working Group
66. Innovation in Scholarly Communications
67. Open Sharing - Share in cIRcle
68. Create a slide using a CC licensed image
69. Public Domain and Traditional Knowledge
70. Tri-Agency Open Access Policy
71. Adapt an Image & Re-post
72. Adaption Required
73. License your work with a Creative Commons license
74. Transform a Traditional Assignment
75. Format Plain Text with Markdown
76. Identify OER and build a learning activity around them
77. Contribute to Wikipedia
78. Analyze text using Voyant
79. Learning to use OSF
80. Replicability - A Case Study
81. Find an open online resource you can use
82. Naming & Organizing Your Files
83. Visualize open data
84. How much does your reference list cost?
85. Is this Open Data?
86. Test Out Latex
87. Preregistration Review!
88. Scraping data from a PDF
89. Reflecting on Critical Perspectives
Program for Open Scholarship and Education Copyright © by will. All Rights Reserved.