60 What can I use this open data for?

Open data can be used in multiple ways – including using it for research or incorporating to teaching practice. Explore ways that you can use open data.

For this activity, you will:

  1. Find Open Data that interests you. (Need help? Review this list of Data Repositories)
  2. Take a look at the data you found. Using the comment below – Share the URL of the open data you found and tell us how you would use the data. It can be related to your research or teaching- or it can be something that it is personal.


Complete this Activity

After you do this assignment, please share it with the comment below it can appear with other responses below. If your response exists at a public viewable URL, you can add the information directly to this site.

Image Credit: Image used on featured image:  W.RebelBinaryData50CC BY 3.0



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