68 Create a slide using a CC licensed image

A remix is a piece of media that has been altered from its original state by adding, removing, and/or changing pieces of the item. The only characteristic of a remix is that it appropriates and changes other materials to create something new… (Wikipedia)

Create a slide using Creative Commons licensed image. Share the URL to the slide using the comment below.

Find: Go to websites such as Creative Commons search or the Noun project (more for icons) to find Creative Commons license images.

Create: Create the slide using websites such as Google Slides, Slideshare .Don’t forget to attribute the images that you used on the slide.

Share: Share the link to the slide using the comment below!



  • How easy (or challenging) is it to find the license associated with the materials I’d like to use?
  • Does the remix you’ve created change the original to create something new?
  • How might you use this in a class context?
  • Share your process and the links to the materials you used to create your remix.


Alan Levine’s Making/Telling Stories That Matter

Complete this challenge

After you do this assignment, please share it with the comment below it can appear with other responses below. If your response exists at a public viewable URL, you can add the information directly to this site.



Program for Open Scholarship and Education Copyright © by will. All Rights Reserved.

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