57 Journal Self-archiving Policies

Self-arching policies are permissions given by publishers to allow authors to post their work in an institutional repository or online environment to allow for free immediate access to their research.

For this activity, consult SHERPA/RoMEO and try to locate the relevant policy for 3 journals you have published with in the past or hope to publish with in the future. When reviewing the entries, consider the following:

  • How permissive is the journal’s policy (indicated using a color system)?
  • Would the journal’s self-archiving policy allow you to meet the standard Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications (https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/063.nsf/eng/h_F6765465.html), which requires that all funded research be made open access within 12 months of publication?
  • How difficult would it be for me to adhere to this policy if I wanted to self-archive my work?

An online database of publisher copyright and self-archiving policies.

Complete this Activity

Having reviewed the three policies, write a brief insight outlining the policies you reviewed and your response to them in the comments below.

  • Were they more or less permissive than you expected?
  • Did each journal have a similar policy, or was there variety among them?
  • Consider whether the disciplinary culture in your field may have any impact on approaches to and acceptance of self-archiving.

Challenge Image Credit:  The Open Science Training by Gwen Franck et.al., Handbooklicensed under CC0 1.0 Universal



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