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By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Identify and integrate student, instructor and contextual analysis into program and course design and delivery.
  • Connect program and course content with Yukon College’s Institutional Plans and three niche programming areas.
  • Identify and map essential course content.


In the first step of the program and course design process, you will identify contextual factors that will impact program/course design, consider learner and instructor characteristics and their impacts, and identify essential program/course content.

Approval Stage

Yukon College Academic Council has recently instituted an approval process for all new degree and non-degree programs.

Link Phase 1 and 2 documents here.

These documents provide much of the analysis of the context and learners for the new program.

Deepening your Analysis: Understanding Instructor, Learners and Context

Beyond the analysis within the Phase 1 and 2 documents, you can complete further analysis on who the learners and instructors are and what is the context in which the learning will take place.

Use the Learner and Context Analysis Template and Teaching and Learning Guided Reflection to help you through this analysis.

Use Yukon College’s institutional plans to support your analysis:

Academic Plan 2016-2021: Building the North’s Future
Strategic Plan 2016-2021
Yukon College Master Plan

The following videos explain the first steps in Instructional Design or Course Design process and accompany the Learning and Context Analysis Template.[1]

Video Examples

Mapping out your Course Content

A concept map may also help you to create a visual map of key ideas in your course.  It provides the instructor (and ultimately the learner) with the important concepts of the course and how each concept is related.  It presents the course as an integrated whole rather than a list of topics to be covered.

Guiding Questions

Before you start this phase of instructional design, be sure to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does the program connect with Yukon College’s Institutional Plans and three niche programming areas?
  • Who are the target students for this program?
  • How will this program contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the community?
  • How does this program fit within other programs currently offered at Yukon College?
  • How is this program different from similar programs at other institutions?


Adapted from University of Calgary and University of Saskatchewan Learner and Context Analysis Template.

  1. Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness at the University of Saskatchewan. These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 2.5 Canada License.


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Teaching and Learning by Design at Yukon College Copyright © 2017 by The Teaching and Learning Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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