
Module 2: Engaging

Welcome to Module 2: Engaging. In this Module, you’ll have an opportunity to consider the people affected by climate change and your project’s response to it. This includes people internal to your organization and others, such as neighbouring communities or Indigenous people.

Module 2 Learning Goals

This Module will help you:

  • Understand the risks climate change poses to people internal or external to your organization
  • Engage people and communities who could be affected by climate change and your project’s response to it


Readings and Resources

Required readings for Module 2 activities, also included in course content

Climate Risks- Engaging People Vulnerable to Climate Impacts, Summary Report, Evergreen (2020) https://www.evergreen.ca/downloads/pdfs/Evergreen_Climate_Risks_Key_Findings_2020_FINAL.pdf

ACCC Resource Manual: Reflection on Adaptation Planning Processes and Experiences, (2013), Street, R. and S. Opitz-Stapleton, DflD-China: Beijing, http://www.asiapacificadapt.net/content/adapting-climate-change-china-phase-i-resource-manual

Health and climate change toolkit for project managers, World Health Organization (no date) https://www.who.int/globalchange/resources/toolkit/en/

Required for all modules

Smoky River Transit Case

Other readings and resources

Public participation, engagement, and climate change adaptation: A review of the research literature (2019), Stephan Hügel | Anna R. Davies https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/wcc.645 (especially section 4.1 on The “wicked problem of participation and engagement”)

Working on a warmer planet: The effect of heat stress on productivity and decent work (2019) Tord Kjellstrom, Nicolas Maître, Catherine Saget, Matthias Otto and Tahmina Karimova, International Labour Organization https://www.ilo.org/global/publications/books/WCMS_711919/lang–en/index.htm

Old ways for new challenges: Indigenous Adaptation to Climate Change, https://coastadapt.com.au/sites/default/files/case_studies/CS08_Indigenous_adaptation.pdf

Victorian Government DSE (Department of Sustainability and Environment). 2005. Effective Engagement: Building Relationships with Community and Other Stakeholders. Book 3 The Engagement Toolkit. https://sustainingcommunity.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/effective-engagement-book-3.pdf

RESIN: Supporting decision-making for resilient Cities, Supporting Tools and Methods.http://wiki.resin.itti.com.pl/supporting-tools/#Stakeholder%20identification%20and%20management%20tools

Smith, T., A. Leitch, and D. Thomsen. 2016: Community Engagement. CoastAdapt Information Manual 9, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, https://coastadapt.com.au/sites/default/files/information-manual/IM09_community_engagement.pdf

Module 2 builds on our understanding of diverse perspectives and equips us for the work of engaging stakeholders and others who are important to our project. We will see that engagement is useful at all stages of a project for two reasons:

  • It ensures that our project will consider and address the needs and views of people who could be affected by our project
  • It provides vital information that can help ensure the success of our project.

Activities for this module will include:

2.1 Reading and viewing guidance on engagement
2.2 Discussion: Sharing engagement experience
2.3 Preparing to discuss Smoky River case study
2.4 Synchronous discussion

2.1 Guidance on engagement

The readings and video resources for this week will help us in two areas:

  • understanding who can be affected by climate change, including vulnerable populations. This prepares us to think broadly about whom your project will serve or whom it will impact in unexpected ways.
  • enhancing our ability to engage effectively

Please watch the video with Erica Crawford, read the articles and explore the WHO toolkit. Then reflect and share your experience in this Module’s discussion forum.

Video: Erica Crawford, Adaptation Planner, Shift Collaborative



Now, take some time to reflect and then share your story of what has worked well and what hasn’t to identify and respond to climate change implications for your projects.

2.2 Discussion: Engagement Stories

Once you have done the readings and seen the video, take some time to reflect and then share your engagement story related to climate change. This can be from the perspective of a participant, a facilitator or a project manager. Include what has worked well and what hasn’t to identify and respond to climate change implications for your projects. If you haven’t played a role in engagement around climate change, consider posting a story about a situation that would have benefited from engagement.

2.3 Smoky River Transit Case

If you haven’t already, familiarize yourself with the Smoky River case study materials in Module 1.

Read the Smoky River Transit Case and watch Robert Siddall video 1 

Then watch video interview 2 with Robert Siddall.

Video: Interview 2 with Robert Siddall.

2.4 Synchronous Discussion

In this session we will discuss some of the questions in the Smoky River case study relevant to engaging stakeholders.

Join the synchronous session prepared to discuss:

  • Which transit stakeholders tend to be most affected by climate change and how should organizations engage with them to ensure projects consider the impacts on them?In regards to the Smoky River Transit Case questions:
  • What climate change risks should Hazel include in her project plan for the short term, longer term? 
  • Who should Hazel involve/engage to ensure that her project plan adequately addresses climate change risks for both the project and the people affected by it?




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