Lab Ten

Congratulations on collecting your results! Now, you get the chance to present your findings to the academic community including your peers.

Learning Objectives

For this lab assignment, you will be working with your team members to:

  • Create a poster that best represents the findings from your study
  • Designate roles for each section of the poster


The goal of science is to build cumulative knowledge, and this is not possible if we do not share our findings with others. There are many ways to share findings including talks, publishing articles/papers, and poster presentation. Poster symposiums are a great way to discuss the results and conclusions of your study with others, and to learn about the studies your peers have been conducting.

Presenting can be nerve-wrecking. It may help to practice in advance and to think of questions that might be asked. But most of all, try to have a good time. People are interested in what you have to say and the findings from your study. Poster symposiums are meant to be engaging, interesting, and exciting.

Remember: Designing a poster takes time. Consult with your team members to assure that there is coherence in your poster for clarity and continuity purposes.


Please click the link below to view a poster template:

Lab 10_Poster Template_2020



Lab 10_First Draft Poster


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PSYO 270: Introduction to Research Methods and Design Copyright © by Anne Tseu and Derrick Wirtz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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