
LEARNING TASK 4 : Describe general safety precautions and procedures

Proximity work

Proximity work is work being performed near a hazard, but not in direct contact with it. Proximity work requires extra caution and awareness of the nearby hazard. The hazard may be hot piping, energized electrical equipment, or running motors and machinery. There may be special clearance requirements that require barricades or having a monitor watch you to maintain safe working distances.

When working with a crane near high-voltage power lines, extreme caution should be used. Although you are not the operator of the crane, you may be doing the rigging or handling the load that the crane lifts.

Keep your distance from power lines! The area surrounding every live power line is referred to as the absolute limit of approach. It is strictly forbidden to move any crane boom, load line, or load into this area unless the power line has been de-energized. There are no exceptions.

This absolute limit of approach varies according to local, provincial, state, and federal laws and to the crane manufacturer’s recommendation, but generally it is as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 — Limits of approach to power lines, according to voltage


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Trades Access Common Core | Line A: Safe Work Practices | Competency A-1 Copyright © 2021 by Camosun College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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