
Atomic Masses

Atomic Masses
Atomic Number, Z Name Atomic Mass Number, A Symbol Atomic Mass (u) Percent Abundance or Decay Mode Half-life, t1/2
0 neutron 1 n 1.008 665 {\beta }^{-} 10.37 min
1 Hydrogen 1 {\text{}}^{1}\text{H} 1.007 825 99.985%
Deuterium 2 {\text{}}^{2}\text{H or D} 2.014 102 0.015%
Tritium 3 {\text{}}^{3}\text{H or T} 3.016 050 {\beta }^{-} 12.33 y
2 Helium 3 {\text{}}^{3}\text{He} 3.016 030
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4 {\text{}}^{4}\text{He} 4.002 603
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3 Lithium 6 {\text{}}^{6}\text{Li} 6.015 121 7.5%
7 {\text{}}^{7}\text{Li} 7.016 003 92.5%
4 Beryllium 7 {\text{}}^{7}\text{Be} 7.016 928 EC 53.29 d
9 {\text{}}^{9}\text{Be} 9.012 182 100%
5 Boron 10 {\text{}}^{10}\text{B} 10.012 937 19.9%
11 {\text{}}^{11}\text{B} 11.009 305 80.1%
6 Carbon 11 {\text{}}^{11}\text{C} 11.011 432 EC, {\beta }^{+}
12 {\text{}}^{12}\text{C} 12.000 000 98.90%
13 {\text{}}^{13}\text{C} 13.003 355 1.10%
14 {\text{}}^{14}\text{C} 14.003 241 {\beta }^{-} 5730 y
7 Nitrogen 13 {\text{}}^{13}\text{N} 13.005 738 {\beta }^{+} 9.96 min
14 {\text{}}^{14}\text{N} 14.003 074 99.63%
15 {\text{}}^{15}\text{N} 15.000 108 0.37%
8 Oxygen 15 {\text{}}^{15}\text{O} 15.003 065 EC, {\beta }^{+} 122 s
16 {\text{}}^{16}\text{O} 15.994 915 99.76%
18 {\text{}}^{18}\text{O} 17.999 160 0.200%
9 Fluorine 18 {\text{}}^{18}\text{F} 18.000 937 EC, {\beta }^{+} 1.83 h
19 {\text{}}^{19}\text{F} 18.998 403 100%
10 Neon 20 {\text{}}^{20}\text{Ne} 19.992 435 90.51%
22 {\text{}}^{22}\text{Ne} 21.991 383 9.22%
11 Sodium 22 {\text{}}^{22}\text{Na} 21.994 434 {\beta }^{+} 2.602 y
23 {\text{}}^{23}\text{Na} 22.989 767 100%
24 {\text{}}^{24}\text{Na} 23.990 961 {\beta }^{-} 14.96 h
12 Magnesium 24 {\text{}}^{24}\text{Mg} 23.985 042 78.99%
13 Aluminum 27 {\text{}}^{27}\text{Al} 26.981 539 100%
14 Silicon 28 {\text{}}^{28}\text{Si} 27.976 927 92.23% 2.62h
31 {\text{}}^{31}\text{Si} 30.975 362 {\beta }^{-}
15 Phosphorus 31 {\text{}}^{31}\text{P} 30.973 762 100%
32 {\text{}}^{32}\text{P} 31.973 907 {\beta }^{-} 14.28 d
16 Sulfur 32 {\text{}}^{32}\text{S} 31.972 070 95.02%
35 {\text{}}^{35}\text{S} 34.969 031 {\beta }^{-} 87.4 d
17 Chlorine 35 {\text{}}^{35}\text{Cl} 34.968 852 75.77%
37 {\text{}}^{37}\text{Cl} 36.965 903 24.23%
18 Argon 40 {\text{}}^{40}\text{Ar} 39.962 384 99.60%
19 Potassium 39 {\text{}}^{39}\text{K} 38.963 707 93.26%
40 {\text{}}^{40}\text{K} 39.963 999 0.0117%, EC, {\beta }^{-} 1\text{.}\text{28}×{\text{10}}^{9}\text{y}
20 Calcium 40 {\text{}}^{40}\text{Ca} 39.962 591 96.94%
21 Scandium 45 {\text{}}^{45}\text{Sc} 44.955 910 100%
22 Titanium 48 {\text{}}^{48}\text{Ti} 47.947 947 73.8%
23 Vanadium 51 {\text{}}^{51}\text{V} 50.943 962 99.75%
24 Chromium 52 {\text{}}^{52}\text{Cr} 51.940 509 83.79%
25 Manganese 55 {\text{}}^{55}\text{Mn} 54.938 047 100%
26 Iron 56 {\text{}}^{56}\text{Fe} 55.934 939 91.72%
27 Cobalt 59 {\text{}}^{59}\text{Co} 58.933 198 100%
60 {\text{}}^{60}\text{Co} 59.933 819 {\beta }^{-} 5.271 y
28 Nickel 58 {\text{}}^{58}\text{Ni} 57.935 346 68.27%
60 {\text{}}^{60}\text{Ni} 59.930 788 26.10%
29 Copper 63 {\text{}}^{63}\text{Cu} 62.939 598 69.17%
65 {\text{}}^{65}\text{Cu} 64.927 793 30.83%
30 Zinc 64 {\text{}}^{64}\text{Zn} 63.929 145 48.6%
66 {\text{}}^{66}\text{Zn} 65.926 034 27.9%
31 Gallium 69 {\text{}}^{69}\text{Ga} 68.925 580 60.1%
32 Germanium 72 {\text{}}^{72}\text{Ge} 71.922 079 27.4%
74 {\text{}}^{74}\text{Ge} 73.921 177 36.5%
33 Arsenic 75 {\text{}}^{75}\text{As} 74.921 594 100%
34 Selenium 80 {\text{}}^{80}\text{Se} 79.916 520 49.7%
35 Bromine 79 {\text{}}^{79}\text{Br} 78.918 336 50.69%
36 Krypton 84 {\text{}}^{84}\text{Kr} 83.911 507 57.0%
37 Rubidium 85 {\text{}}^{85}\text{Rb} 84.911 794 72.17%
38 Strontium 86 {\text{}}^{86}\text{Sr} 85.909 267 9.86%
88 {\text{}}^{88}\text{Sr} 87.905 619 82.58%
90 {\text{}}^{90}\text{Sr} 89.907 738 {\beta }^{-} ­ 28.8 y
39 Yttrium 89 {\text{}}^{89}\text{Y} 88.905 849 100%
90 {\text{}}^{90}\text{Y} 89.907 152 {\beta }^{-} ­ 64.1 h
40 Zirconium 90 {\text{}}^{90}\text{Zr} 89.904 703 51.45%
41 Niobium 93 {\text{}}^{93}\text{Nb} 92.906 377 100%
42 Molybdenum 98 {\text{}}^{98}\text{Mo} 97.905 406 24.13%
43 Technetium 98 {\text{}}^{98}\text{Tc} 97.907 215 {\beta }^{-} ­ 4\text{.}2×{\text{10}}^{6}\text{y}
44 Ruthenium 102 {\text{}}^{102}\text{Ru} 101.904 348 31.6%
45 Rhodium 103 {\text{}}^{103}\text{Rh} 102.905 500 100%
46 Palladium 106 {\text{}}^{106}\text{Pd} 105.903 478 27.33%
47 Silver 107 {\text{}}^{107}\text{Ag} 106.905 092 51.84%
109 {\text{}}^{109}\text{Ag} 108.904 757 48.16%
48 Cadmium 114 {\text{}}^{114}\text{Cd} 113.903 357 28.73%
49 Indium 115 {\text{}}^{115}\text{In} 114.903 880 95.7%, {\beta }^{-} ­ 4\text{.}4×{\text{10}}^{\text{14}}\text{y}
50 Tin 120 {\text{}}^{120}\text{Sn} 119.902 200 32.59%
51 Antimony 121 {\text{}}^{121}\text{Sb} 120.903 821 57.3%
52 Tellurium 130 {\text{}}^{130}\text{Te} 129.906 229 33.8%, {\beta }^{-} ­ 2\text{.}5×{\text{10}}^{\text{21}}\text{y}
53 Iodine 127 {\text{}}^{127}\text{I} 126.904 473 100%
131 {\text{}}^{131}\text{I} 130.906 114 {\beta }^{-} ­ 8.040 d
54 Xenon 132 {\text{}}^{132}\text{Xe} 131.904 144 26.9%
136 {\text{}}^{136}\text{Xe} 135.907 214 8.9%
55 Cesium 133 {\text{}}^{133}\text{Cs} 132.905 429 100%
134 {\text{}}^{134}\text{Cs} 133.906 696 EC, {\beta }^{-} ­ 2.06 y
56 Barium 137 {\text{}}^{137}\text{Ba} 136.905 812 11.23%
138 {\text{}}^{138}\text{Ba} 137.905 232 71.70%
57 Lanthanum 139 {\text{}}^{139}\text{La} 138.906 346 99.91%
58 Cerium 140 {\text{}}^{140}\text{Ce} 139.905 433 88.48%
59 Praseodymium 141 {\text{}}^{141}\text{Pr} 140.907 647 100%
60 Neodymium 142 {\text{}}^{142}\text{Nd} 141.907 719 27.13%
61 Promethium 145 {\text{}}^{145}\text{Pm} 144.912 743 EC, \alpha 17.7 y
62 Samarium 152 {\text{}}^{152}\text{Sm} 151.919 729 26.7%
63 Europium 153 {\text{}}^{153}\text{Eu} 152.921 225 52.2%
64 Gadolinium 158 {\text{}}^{158}\text{Gd} 157.924 099 24.84%
65 Terbium 159 {\text{}}^{159}\text{Tb} 158.925 342 100%
66 Dysprosium 164 {\text{}}^{164}\text{Dy} 163.929 171 28.2%
67 Holmium 165 {\text{}}^{165}\text{Ho} 164.930 319 100%
68 Erbium 166 {\text{}}^{166}\text{Er} 165.930 290 33.6%
69 Thulium 169 {\text{}}^{169}\text{Tm} 168.934 212 100%
70 Ytterbium 174 {\text{}}^{174}\text{Yb} 173.938 859 31.8%
71 Lutecium 175 {\text{}}^{175}\text{Lu} 174.940 770 97.41%
72 Hafnium 180 {\text{}}^{180}\text{Hf} 179.946 545 35.10%
73 Tantalum 181 {\text{}}^{181}\text{Ta} 180.947 992 99.98%
74 Tungsten 184 {\text{}}^{184}\text{W} 183.950 928 30.67%
75 Rhenium 187 {\text{}}^{187}\text{Re} 186.955 744 62.6%, {\beta }^{-} 4\text{.}6×{\text{10}}^{\text{10}}\text{y}
76 Osmium 191 {\text{}}^{191}\text{Os} 190.960 920 {\beta }^{-} ­ 15.4 d
192 {\text{}}^{192}\text{Os} 191.961 467 41.0%
77 Iridium 191 {\text{}}^{191}\text{Ir} 190.960 584 37.3%
193 {\text{}}^{193}\text{Ir} 192.962 917 62.7%
78 Platinum 195 {\text{}}^{195}\text{Pt} 194.964 766 33.8%
79 Gold 197 {\text{}}^{197}\text{Au} 196.966 543 100%
198 {\text{}}^{198}\text{Au} 197.968 217 {\beta }^{-} ­ 2.696 d
80 Mercury 199 {\text{}}^{199}\text{Hg} 198.968 253 16.87%
202 {\text{}}^{202}\text{Hg} 201.970 617 29.86%
81 Thallium 205 {\text{}}^{205}\text{Tl} 204.974 401 70.48%
82 Lead 206 {\text{}}^{206}\text{Pb} 205.974 440 24.1%
207 {\text{}}^{207}\text{Pb} 206.975 872 22.1%
208 {\text{}}^{208}\text{Pb} 207.976 627 52.4%
210 {\text{}}^{210}\text{Pb} 209.984 163 \alpha ,\phantom{\rule{0.20em}{0ex}}{\beta }^{-} ­ 22.3 y
211 {\text{}}^{211}\text{Pb} 210.988 735 {\beta }^{-} ­ 36.1 min
212 {\text{}}^{212}\text{Pb} 211.991 871 {\beta }^{-} ­ 10.64 h
83 Bismuth 209 {\text{}}^{209}\text{Bi} 208.980 374 100%
211 {\text{}}^{211}\text{Bi} 210.987 255 \alpha ,\phantom{\rule{0.20em}{0ex}}{\beta }^{-} 2.14 min
84 Polonium 210 {\text{}}^{210}\text{Po} 209.982 848 \alpha 138.38 d
85 Astatine 218 {\text{}}^{218}\text{At} 218.008 684 \alpha ,\phantom{\rule{0.20em}{0ex}}{\beta }^{-} 1.6 s
86 Radon 222 {\text{}}^{222}\text{Rn} 222.017 570 \alpha 3.82 d
87 Francium 223 {\text{}}^{223}\text{Fr} 223.019 733 \alpha ,\phantom{\rule{0.20em}{0ex}}{\beta }^{-} 21.8 min
88 Radium 226 {\text{}}^{226}\text{Ra} 226.025 402 \alpha 1\text{.}\text{60}×{\text{10}}^{3}\text{y}
89 Actinium 227 {\text{}}^{227}\text{Ac} 227.027 750 \alpha ,\phantom{\rule{0.20em}{0ex}}{\beta }^{-} 21.8 y
90 Thorium 228 {\text{}}^{228}\text{Th} 228.028 715 \alpha 1.91 y
232 {\text{}}^{232}\text{Th} 232.038 054 100%, \alpha 1\text{.}\text{41}×{\text{10}}^{\text{10}}\text{y}
91 Protactinium 231 {\text{}}^{231}\text{Pa} 231.035 880 \alpha 3\text{.}\text{28}×{\text{10}}^{4}\text{y}
92 Uranium 233 {\text{}}^{233}\text{U} 233.039 628 \alpha 1\text{.}\text{59}×{\text{10}}^{3}\text{y}
235 {\text{}}^{235}\text{U} 235.043 924 0.720%, \alpha 7\text{.}\text{04}×{\text{10}}^{8}\text{y}
236 {\text{}}^{236}\text{U} 236.045 562 \alpha 2\text{.}\text{34}×{\text{10}}^{7}\text{y}
238 {\text{}}^{238}\text{U} 238.050 784 99.2745%, \alpha 4\text{.}\text{47}×{\text{10}}^{9}\text{y}
239 {\text{}}^{239}\text{U} 239.054 289 {\beta }^{-} ­ 23.5 min
93 Neptunium 239 {\text{}}^{239}\text{Np} 239.052 933 {\beta }^{-} ­ 2.355 d
94 Plutonium 239 {\text{}}^{239}\text{Pu} 239.052 157 \alpha 2\text{.}\text{41}×{\text{10}}^{4}\text{y}
95 Americium 243 {\text{}}^{243}\text{Am} 243.061 375 \alpha , fission 7\text{.}\text{37}×{\text{10}}^{3}\text{y}
96 Curium 245 {\text{}}^{245}\text{Cm} 245.065 483 \alpha 8\text{.}\text{50}×{\text{10}}^{3}\text{y}
97 Berkelium 247 {\text{}}^{247}\text{Bk} 247.070 300 \alpha 1\text{.}\text{38}×{\text{10}}^{3}\text{y}
98 Californium 249 {\text{}}^{249}\text{Cf} 249.074 844 \alpha 351 y
99 Einsteinium 254 {\text{}}^{254}\text{Es} 254.088 019 \alpha ,\phantom{\rule{0.20em}{0ex}}{\beta }^{-} ­ 276 d
100 Fermium 253 {\text{}}^{253}\text{Fm} 253.085 173 EC, \alpha 3.00 d
101 Mendelevium 255 {\text{}}^{255}\text{Md} 255.091 081 EC, \alpha 27 min
102 Nobelium 255 {\text{}}^{255}\text{No} 255.093 260 EC, \alpha 3.1 min
103 Lawrencium 257 {\text{}}^{257}\text{Lr} 257.099 480 EC, \alpha 0.646 s
104 Rutherfordium 261 {\text{}}^{261}\text{Rf} 261.108 690 \alpha 1.08 min
105 Dubnium 262 {\text{}}^{262}\text{Db} 262.113 760 \alpha , fission 34 s
106 Seaborgium 263 {\text{}}^{263}\text{Sg} 263.11 86 \alpha , fission 0.8 s
107 Bohrium 262 {\text{}}^{262}\text{Bh} 262.123 1 \alpha 0.102 s
108 Hassium 264 {\text{}}^{264}\text{Hs} 264.128 5 \alpha 0.08 ms
109 Meitnerium 266 {\text{}}^{266}\text{Mt} 266.137 8 \alpha 3.4 ms


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