
10.4 Creating and updating your portfolio

Jasmine Roberts and Andrew Frank

An online portfolio can be created using a content management system (CMS). Common and popular examples, both free and paid, include WordPress (this is a link to KPU’s WordPress installation site for students), Drupal, Wix, and Squarespace. Other options for creating and hosting your online portfolio include purpose-specific CMS’s such as clippings.me or portfolio building options within social media platforms like LinkedIn.

As you work on more projects and articles, remember to include them in your portfolio. Make sure to constantly update your portfolio so that employers and professional contacts can see your most recent work. Include a minimum of two to three writing samples, although the quality of the portfolio materials matters more than the quantity (Lovering, 2016).


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10.4 Creating and updating your portfolio Copyright © by Jasmine Roberts and Andrew Frank is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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