
10.2 Online versus hardcopy portfolios

Jasmine Roberts and Andrew Frank

Online portfolios are increasingly common because many communication materials are digital. However, some employers may ask you to bring a hardcopy portfolio to an interview.

Click here to see an online portfolio for a Canadian Social Media and Content Marketing Professional (please note this portfolio includes sophisticated transitions between sections which are not a requirement, but do reflect the ability to work with customized website templates and designs): http://www.laurenmarinigh.com

It’s recommended that you create an online portfolio, such as a professional website, so that the general public can see your work. Send the online portfolio to professional contacts in your network or to potential employers before the job interview so they can see your writing samples and other examples of your work. As a precautionary measure, also print some of the writing samples and put them in a zip-up portfolio or a professional binder when you’re preparing for a job interview.


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10.2 Online versus hardcopy portfolios Copyright © by Jasmine Roberts and Andrew Frank is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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