Normal Distributions

Learning Objectives

Understand the shape, statistical properties and formulas for Normal Distributions.

Properties of Normal Distributions

A normal distribution is:

  • The most common type of distribution
  • It is continuous and has a “bell” shape.
  • It is ‘symmetric’ about the mean (µ) (see more in the ‘SYMMETRIC’ section)
  • The total area under the normal curve is 1.
  • Ie: the probability of being anywhere on the distribution=1.

Image with multiple bell shaped curves. Two of the curves have a population mean at zero and the standard deviation varies. The curve with the smaller standard deviation is less spread out and more concentrated around the middle. The curve with the mean at one is displaced to the right by one unit. It also has a larger standard deviation and is, therefore, more spread out.

Calculating Probabilities

It would require a calculate technique called Integration by Parts to calculate the probabilities by hand for the Normal Distribution. For this reason, we will only use Excel’s NORM.DIST() function to calculate probabilities:

  • [latex]P[/latex](at most or less than) =NORM.DIST([latex]x[/latex], µ, σ, TRUE)
  • [latex]P[/latex](at least or more than) =1−NORM.DIST([latex]x[/latex], µ, σ, TRUE)
  • Where µ (mu) is the mean of the distribution and σ (sigma) is the standard deviation.

Calculating X-Values

If we are looking to solve for the [latex]x[/latex]-value instead of the probability, this is called an ‘inverse‘ problem and we use Excel’s NORM.INV() function:

  • [latex]x[/latex] = NORM.INV(Area to left of [latex]x[/latex], µ, σ)
  • [latex]x[/latex] = NORM.INV(1− Area to right of [latex]x[/latex], µ, σ)


A z-score is:

  • “A statistical measurement that describes a value’s relationship to the mean of a group of values.”
  • “Measured in terms of standard deviations from the mean.”
  • “A measure of an instrument’s variability and can be used by traders to help determine volatility.”

It can be calculated using a formula if the [latex]x[/latex]-value, µ (mu) and, σ (sigma) are given:
\[z = \frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\]

It can be calculated using Excel’s NORM.S.INV function if the area/probability is given: \[ z = \text{NORM.S.INV}(\text{Area to left of z}) = \text{NORM.INV}(1-\text{Area to right of z})\]

Symmetric Property

  • It is symmetric (or identical) on either side of the mean.
  • The mean and median are equal.
  • The data in this distribution is neither skewed left nor skewed right.

Statistical Properties

The following metrics apply to Normal Distributions:

  • population mean = µ
  • sample mean = x̄
  • population standard deviation = σ
  • sample standard deviation = s
  • mode = µ or x̄ (depending if population or sample given)
  • variance = σ2 or s2 (depending if population or sample given)
  • symmetric (not skewed) and the skewness = 0

Video & Resources Explaining Normal Distributions

Additional Resources:

  • Click here to download the Powerpoint slides that accompany the video.
  • Click here to download the Excel solutions for the Normal Distribution section.

Key Takeaways (EXERCISE)

Key Takeaways: Normal Distributions

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Your Own Notes (EXERCISE)

  • Are there any notes you want to take from this section? Is there anything you’d like to copy and paste below?
  • These notes are for you only (they will not be stored anywhere)
  • Make sure to download them at the end to use as a reference


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An Introduction to Business Statistics for Analytics (1st Edition) Copyright © 2024 by Amy Goldlist; Charles Chan; Leslie Major; Michael Johnson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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