
Main Body

Model Critique and Research Possibilities

Section Highlights

  • Research has occurred in all areas of education
  • Mixed method and qualitative studies would add to our understanding of motivation and how to support it

Complexity of learning environments has increased since the original design of the ARCs model. Variance in student demographics, multiculturalism and student learning strategies may play a role in its currency. In addition, the rate at which technology increases and infiltrates learning environments may necessitate update to the strategies provided.

Reynolds et al (2017) point out that while motivation and learning are often looked at together, the presence of motivation does not guarantee that learning will occur. They suggest that strategies need to be included that address learner sense of control and satisfaction with the learning process.

Problems based diagnostic suggestion could be improved with a more strength-based approach. Since it is human nature to underestimate our abilities, a focus on strengths and aspirations would lead students to behaviors that would support confidence, success and satisfaction. Appreciative Inquiry or Appreciative Pedagogy would engage instructors and students in a dialogue about what they know, where they want to be and plan steps for achievement.

Most existing studies of the ARCs model have a quantitative methodology that is experimental or quasi-experimental. (Li and Keller, 2018). Based on the significant affective components at play related to motivation, it seems that a more mixed method approach might help us to better understand the complexities of learner motivation.

In a comprehensive literature review Li and Keller (2018) indicated several areas for future research, these include:

  • design based research approach to motivation as opposed to experimental design
  • investigation of cognitive and psychological factors as they impact motivation
  • motivation in fully online learning environments
  • impact of cultural considerations on learner motivation
  • increased length of experimental time of studies, more longitudinal
  • ARC as a component of instructional design process instead of an isolated strategy


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ARCS Motivation and Distance Learning Copyright © by Leeann Waddington and Debra Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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