
What is Intersectionality?

This lesson explores the concept of intersectionality. Using case studies, students can build familiarity with the meanings of intersectionality, applying this lens to a variety of scenarios. Students should be encouraged to respect the authenticity and reality of lived experiences different from their own.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • define intersectionality.
  • use real-world examples to highlight their understanding of intersectionality.

Guiding Question

  • What is intersectionality?
  • Why is understanding intersectionality important?


Teachers should adopt a trauma-informed approach to teaching about intersectionality.

Teachers may wish to use the provided resources, or create their own.


Begin with a discussion. Potentially posing the following questions to the class:

  • Do you think everyone is equal? What is the difference between equality and equity?

Think-pair-share: How do you see discrimination in real life? How do you know it is discrimination?

Think-pair-share: What are some similarities and differences between types of discrimination?

Class discussion

  • What makes different experiences of discrimination unique?

Lesson Activities

Case Studies

Students will read the case studies provided in groups or individually, working through the following discussion questions.

Students should be prepared to discuss their ideas together as a class.

  • How do you see intersectionality in each of these stories?
  • How do different identities intersect with each other in these stories?
  • Why do you think the people from the case studies were discriminated against?
  • How can intersectionality give us a new lens through which to view these stories?
  • How can understanding intersectionality help us improve our society ?

Creating an Infographic

Create an infographic using the provided (or an alternate) template to explain intersectionality.

This activity will likely take two classes.


Class discussion

  • How do you see intersectionality today? What are some examples of intersectionality? Explain in full sentences.

Support Materials

Intersectionality Case Studies

Presentation outline Discrimination

Handout Intersectionality Infographic

Neustaeter, B. (2020). In their words: Canadians’ experiences of racism. CTV News.


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