
Grammaire 2: aller (future actions)

On étudie !

In this video, Sara and Romain talk about what they are going to do next weekend. To practice, listen and repeat their dialogue.


Future actions (le futur proche)

(a) To indicate future actions, use the verb aller followed by an infinitive.

This infinitive construction is called the futur proche (near future).

Singulier Pluriel
je vais (+infinitive) nous allons (+infinitive)
tu vas (+infinitive) vous allez (+infinitive)
il, elle, on va (+infinitive) ils, elles vont (+infinitive)

— Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce soir ? (What are you going to do tonight?)

— Je vais dîner chez mes parents. (I am going to have dinner at my parents’ house).


(b) If you are wanting to express what you are not going to do, put the negation ne (n’)…pas around aller, the conjugated verb. Note how the verbs danser and faire are left in the infinitive form in the examples below: 

Je ne vais pas danser ce soir. (I am not going to danse tonight.)

Vous n’allez pas faire du jogging à minuit, n’est-ce pas? (You are not going to run at midnight, won’t you?)

(c) Remember that when you use aller along with a verbe réfléchi (a reflexive verb) to express a future action, you need to ensure the reflexive pronoun is the same as the subject of the sentence. Have a look at the use of se lever (to get up) in the following sentences:

Je vais me lever tôt demain. (I am going to get up early tomorrow)

Tu vas te lever tôt aussi? (You are also going to get up early?)

Nous allons nous lever tôt. (We are going to get up early).


(d) Here is some useful vocabulary to memorize for talking about the near future:

Français Anglais
demain tomorrow
demain matin, soir tomorrow morning, night
lundi prochain next Monday
la semaine prochaine next week
l’année prochaine next year
dans un mois, deux semaines etc. in a month, two weeks, etc.

(You can hear those expressions in the vocabulary section).

Ressource supplémentaire

Regardez cette vidéo pour voit une conversation sur Le week-end




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