
Grammaire 2: naming ourselves and others

On étudie ! 

Les présentations

a) To ask for someone’s name and give your own, use the following patterns below.

IMPORTANT: notice the silent final consonants and those liaisons (pronunciation and linking of a final consonant to a following vowel).

Français Anglais

Comment t’appelles-tu ? (informel)

What is your name? 

Comment vous appelez-vous ? (formel)

What is your name? 

Je m’appelle…

Moi, c’est…

My name is…


b) To find out someone’s name you are not speaking to directly, you can use the expression Qui est-ce? (Who is that?) or use the other questions below (along with with the appropriate replies). Note how the same words appear in the question and the reply. 

Qui est-ce?   Who is that?

C’est Marc.   That’s Marc

Comment s’appelle-t-il ?  What is his name?

Il s’appelle Marc. His name is Marc.

Comment s’appelle-t-elle ? What is her name?
Elle s’appelle Valérie. Her name is Valérie.

Note: ‘il‘ and ‘elle‘ correspond to the subject pronoun ‘he’ and ‘she’ (more on other subject pronouns in section 2). Many people now use iel to refer to a gender-neutral or non-binary (NB) individual. 


c) If you are not sure who it is, you say, Est-ce que c’est… ? The reply will start with oui or non along with a name.

Est-ce que c’est Jacqueline ? (Is it, is that Jacqueline?)
Oui, c’est Jacqueline. (Yes, it’s Jacqueline.)

Est-ce que c’est Véronique ? (Is it, is that Véronique?)

— Nonc’est Magali. (No, it’s Magali.)


d) Use the following expressions to introduce people and respond to introductions:

Registres Français Anglais


Je vous présente…

I would like to introduce you to…

I would like you to meet…

This is…


Je te présente…

I would like to introduce you to…

I would like you to meet…

This is…


Moi de même.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.



e) Tu ou Vous ? (‘You’)

In general, tu (te) is used with a friend, family member, and a child. Vous is plural ‘you’ but it is also used to express politeness, formality, and respect when addressing to one person. Vous is the form of address used for all formal situations. However, many people will still use the tu form when they first meet. But when in doubt, use vous. You will learn more about tu and vous in section 3.

Formel vs Familier

Formel (vous) Familier, informel (tu)
Comment vous appelez-vous ? Comment t’appelles-tu ? What is your name?
Comment allez-vous ? Comment vas-tu ? How are you?
Bien. Et vous ? Bien. Et toi ? Well, and you?
S’il vous plaît. S’il te plaît. Please
Je vous en prie. Je t’en prie. No problem

Ressources supplémentaires

Watch this video tutorial for more variations about How to ask someone’s name in French or examples on How to present yourself in French.


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