Note culturelle: Tu versus Vous
Tu vs Vous
In the previous section, we talked about subject pronouns and saw that in French, there are two words for the English ”you”.
Addressing someone in French-speaking countries can be challenging as it entails using Tu (informal you) for interactions between family, friends, children, peers or Vous (formal you) in everyday life with professional colleagues, acquaintances and service employees. To be safe consider using the formal Vous when meeting new people and follow your French interlocutor’s lead who will invite you to use Tu to break the ice if appropriate. It must be said that in Canada and Québec, the use of Tu is far more common, though Vous is still used to show respect, politeness, formality or even to establish social distance.
Learn more about the differences between tu and vous by watching this video tutorial: Tu vs. vous
With each new interaction, gaging the inherent social norms between Tu or Vous will become easier.