
Note culturelle: jouer à la pétanque

Pétanque is a popular French boules game played with metal balls on a flat, sandy surface. Players take turns throwing or rolling their balls, aiming to get them as close as possible to a smaller target ball, called le cochonnet. The game is played in teams or individually at all ages, and points are scored based on the proximity of the thrown ball to the target. The first player to obtain 13 points wins. Pétanque requires strategy, skill, and precision. It’s a leisurely yet competitive pastime enjoyed in parks, beaches, and boules clubs across France and around the world. The pace and inclusivity of the game encourages socializing.
Watch a group of people playing in the South of France and learn some of the rules (les règles) in this 2 minute video. You will hear the distinct South of France accent. Listen to this lovely sunny accent (the warmest region in France) and see what words you can pick out; the subtitles will appear in the second half of the video.


Conjugaison du verbe jouer (to play)

Singulier Pluriel
je joue nous jouons
tu joues vous jouez
il, elle, on joue ils, elles jouent


When the verb jouer (to play) is used with musical instruments (les instruments musicaux) or sports (le sport) & games (les jeux) you must add the appropriate preposition after it.

For musical instruments we say: jouer de + [l’instrument].

For a sport or game we say:          jouer à + [le sport, le jeu].

It is important to remember to contract prepositions with certain definite articles that follow:


contractions avec de + article défini

contractions avec à + article défini

de + le = du

à + le = au

de + les = des

à + les = aux

Note: there are no contraction required with la and l‘.

Exemples :

Il joue du piano; elle joue de la guitare.       

     (He plays the piano; she plays the guitar.)

Ils jouent à la pétanque; Tu joues aux échecs.

     (They play pétanque; you play chess.)


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