

Les traits physiques (Physical Traits)



beau/belle handsome, beautiful
blond/blonde blond
brun/brune dark-haired
fort/forte strong (or hefty)
grand/grande tall, big, large
jeune young
laid/laide ugly
mince thin, slender
petit/petite small, little, short
vieux/vieille old, elderly
de taille moyenne of middle height (size)

Les questions

Comment ça va? Coman sah vah? How are you?
Comment t’appelles-tu? Coman tapell tu? What is your name?  (informal)
Comment vous appellez-vous? Coman vooz apellay voo? What is your name? (plural and/or formal)
Qui est-ce? Key ess? Who is it?
Qu’est-ce que c’est? Kess keu say? What is it?

Dans la classe

un camarade de classe/une camarade de classe

un étudiant/une étudiante

un livre

un cahier

un stylo

un tableau (blanc)

a classmate 

a student

a book

a workbook

a pen

a (white)board



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