
Creating a Safe Container

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Exercise #1

From Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead, permission slips are a great way to start building trust in a group and to start container building. The work we have to do here takes time and mental exertion and emotional labor. Sometimes to get started you need to give yourself permission. Some examples of permission you may need to give yourself to do, feel, or not do for this workshop might include:

  • Stay open minded
  • Give yourself the time you need
  • Make a list of questions
  • Show up to the group meetings
  • Ask for what you need
  • Pass during group sharing
  • Ask for more time


Exercise #2

Let’s develop some ground rules for our safe container:

  • What do you need to show up and do the work?
  • What will get in the way of you showing up and doing the work?
  • What does support look like?

Attributions: These are original activities and not a part of the Pulling Together Guides that have made up the majority of this book.


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Douglas College BSN Program Indigenization Guide Copyright © by Andrea Gretchev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.