
Understanding how Indigenous and Western Knowledge Systems Differ

Watch: Learning from Indigenous Worldviews (10:20) from the University of British Columbia’s course “Reconciliation through Indigenous Education” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I2LAWCHNsc  

Small group discussion (35 min) – groups of 6

Reflecting on your experience with Western educational systems, consider the following questions:

  1. What values or beliefs do you think underlie Western approaches?
  2. What values or beliefs do you observe in Indigenous educational approaches?
  3. What are the areas where conflicting views arise?
  4. What are the areas where commonalities can occur?
  5. What are the benefits, for all students, of integrating Indigenous approaches into curriculum?


Large group discussion (20 min)

  1. Discuss ways in which you could incorporate Indigenous worldviews in your teaching practice.
  2. How are you using relational, experiential, student-centered, narrative, intergenerational, land-based, or other pedagogical constructs from Indigenous worldviews in your classrooms?

Note: Refer to chapter 5 – Indigenous epistemologies and pedagogies.


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Douglas College BSN Program Indigenization Guide Copyright © by Andrea Gretchev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.