
8 Remain creative in how content and resources and designed and used

One of the strengths of using an adaptive learning platform is the ability for the platform to create individualized and personal learning paths.  While this is a huge advantage to the platform it also means that there needs to be a plan in how the material is to be delivered.

In the previous steps, the content was curated, identified and segmented.  This is an excellent opportunity to identify gaps. With your content laid out perhaps you notice that most of your resources are text-heavy.  It may be prudent to find other options to present the material. Some options worth considering:

  • Multimedia: explainer videos, podcasts, interactive slide decks.
  • Formative assessments: Kahoots, Quizlet, H5P.org.
  • PDF’s and text-based documents.
  • Visual documents such as infographics

It is important that learning activities and their resources are designed keeping in mind the various levels of knowledge that the students are at.


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Design principles for adaptive learning platforms Copyright © by Chad Flinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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