Chapter 10 – Water Supply
Establishing and maintaining sufficient water to achieve strategic goals will greatly influence the operational mode and whether that mode can be maintained or have it changed. Water Supply will be challenged the size of the fire, exposures and operational modes.
Water Supply Needs
Defensive operations may be more challenging than offensive attacks
Master streams can require the total pump capacity of the apparatus
Reliable water systems can be exhausted
Large-diameter hose is effective
Water-shuttle operations remain a possibility
Two supplies are recommended
IC cannot solely rely on water tank supply
Must supply and maintain a rate of flow including backup and exposure lines
To complete a Water Supply Size-up, the following must be asked:
What are the fire flow needs?
What source(s) will supply the required flow?
What delivery method will be used?
What resources (apparatus, personnel, equipment) are needed?
How long will it take to develop the water supply?
How effective or reliable is the water supply?
Is there a backup water supply plan?
What coordination with other tactics is needed?