
Chapter 6: Turning Latin Adjectives into Latin Nouns

§51. Chapter 6: Exercises

1. By using one of the suffixes -(I)TAS, -ITUDO, or -ITIA, form a Latin abstract noun from each of the following Latin adjectives, and then show the English noun derivative:

Latin adjective Latin noun English noun
e.g. dignus (worthy) dignitas dignity (also dainty)
a. severus (stern) __________________ ____________________
b. beatus (blessed) __________________ ____________________
c. avarus (greedy) __________________ ____________________
d. socius (allied) __________________ ____________________
e. integer (whole) __________________ ____________________
f. aptus (fit) __________________ ____________________


2. The following English abstract nouns are of Germanic origin; can you think of parallel English nouns (semantic and structural counterparts) derived from Latin?

Nouns in -(I)TY (< -(I)TAS) Nouns in -ITUDE (< -ITUDO)
a. freedom _______________ f. height _______________
b. wordiness _______________ g. breadth _______________
c. stillness _______________ h. strength _______________
d. darkness _______________ i. loneliness _______________
e. ripeness _______________ j. greatness _______________


3. Look up the etymology of the English word city, and write down the main stages in its evolution from the original Latin root:




4. The following English nouns have been disguised during their transmission through French. Find the Latin abstract noun and Latin adjective from which each is derived:

Latin Abstract Noun Latin Adjective (meaning)
a. < poverty __________ < __________ __________
b. < bounty __________ < __________ __________
c. < dainty __________ < __________ __________
d. < frailty __________ < __________ __________

5. Give a schematic analysis for each of the following words:

e.g. vitality < L vitalitas: noun base vit– (vita, “life”) + adj. suffix –alis (“pertaining to”) + noun suffix –itas
a. femininity ___________________________________________________________
b. originality ___________________________________________________________
c. longitude ___________________________________________________________
d. luminosity ___________________________________________________________
e. acrimonious ___________________________________________________________
f. spirituality ___________________________________________________________

For Key to Exercises (Latin), see Appendix I.


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Greek and Latin Roots: Part I - Latin Copyright © 2016 by Peter Smith (Estate) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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