

I. Key to Exercises (Latin)

Appendix I

Key to Exercises (Latin)

§17. Chapter 2: Exercises

  3.    a.  L scientia > E science  3b    f.  L digitus  > E digit  2
       b.  L matrona  > E matron  2    g.  L folium  > E foil  4
       c.  L prodigium  > E prodigy  3c    h.  L lucrum  > E lucre  3a
       d.  L lacuna  > E lagoon  4    i.  L spatium  > E space  3b
       e.  L nota  > E note  3a    j.  L norma  > E norm  2
  4. verbum to verb: specializationanimus to animus: pejoration (and specialization)
  5. a. corona; b. genius; c. spectrum; d. price; e. chart, carte (carte blanche); f. folio


§24. Chapter 3: Exercises

  3. a. 2 sign- mark, token, sign f. 4 gradu- step, grade
    b. 1 form- shape, form g. 2 mod- measure, manner
    c. 2 radi- staff, rod, spoke h. 1 vi- way, road
    d. 3 labor- work i. 5 speci- look, appearance
    e. 3 oper- work, task j. 3 art- skill, art
  4. a. person, persona; b. genus, genre; c. radius; d. discus, disc, disk, e. chief; f. spirit


§32. Chapter 4: Exercises

  1. What word-ending makes it certain that a Latin adjective must belong to the 1st and 2nd declension type?-us (-a, -um)
  2. List four Latin adjectives whose English derivative is the Latin word-base plus -e:    solus, sanus, planus, amplus, curvus, pronus, supinus, etc.
  3. Latin adjective Meaning Latin adjective Meaning
    a. tepidus warm d. fecundus fruitful, fertile
    b. pristinus original, primitive e. vapidus lifeless, flat
    c. antiquus ancient f. clandestinus secret
  4. a. interim meanwhile d. seriatim in a row, serially
    b. circa around, about e. ibid(em) in the same place
    c. quondam formerly, once f. alias otherwise


§44. Chapter 5: Exercises

  1. a. radial radialis d. tabular tabularis
    b. famous famosus e. urban urbanus
    c. senile senilis f. virulent virulentus
  2. a. popular

    < L popularis: noun base popul– (populus, “people”) + adj suffix –aris (“pertaining to”)

    b. equine

    < L equinus: noun base equ– (equus, “horse”) + adj. suffix –inus (“like a,” “pertaining to”)

    c. corporal

    < L corporalis: noun base corpor– (corpus, “body”) + adj. suffix –alis (“pertaining to”)

  3. Etymon Etymological Meaning
    a. carpentarius “worker in [maker of] wagons”
    b. terrarius “worker in the earth”
  4. frigidaire
  5. Jupiter(Jove), Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Ceres


§50. Chapter 6: Exercises

  1. a. severus:   severitas   severity d. socius:   societas   society
    b. beatus:   beatitudo   beatitude e. integer:   integritas   integrity
    c. avarus:   avaritia   avarice f. aptus:   aptitudo   aptitude
  2.  a. freedom liberty  f. height altitude
    b. wordiness verbosity g. breadth latitude, amplitude
    c. stillness tranquility h. strength fortitude
    d. darkness obscurity i. loneliness solitude
    e. ripeness maturity j. greatness magnitude
  3. L civis (“citizen”) + -itas (abstract noun suffix) > L civitas (“citizenship” > “city”) OF cité > E city
  4. English noun  Latin abstract noun Latin adjective  Meaning
    a. poverty < paupertas < pauper  poor
    b. bounty < bonitas < bonus  good
    c. dainty < dignitas < dignus  worthy
    d. frailty < fragilitas < fragilis  breakable
  5. a. femininity

    < L femininitas: noun base femin– (femina, “woman”) + adj. suffix –inus (“pertaining to”) + noun suffix –itas

    b. originality

    < L originalitas: noun base origin– (origo, “source”) + adj. suffix –alis (“pertaining to”) + noun suffix –itas

    c. longitude

    < L longitudo: adj. base long– (longus, “long”) + noun suffix –itudo

    d. luminosity

    < L luminositas: noun base lumin– (lumen, “light”) + adj. suffix –osus (“full of”) + noun suffix –itas

    e. acrimonious

    < L acrimoniosus: adj. base acr– (acer, “sharp”) + –i– (connecting vowel) + noun. suffix –monium + adj. suffix –osus (“full of”)

    f. spirituality

    < L spiritualitas: noun base spiritu– (spiritus, “breath”) + adj. suffix –alis (“pertaining to”) + noun suffix –itas


§75. Chapter 10: Exercises

  1. a. premonition praemonitio monere, monitus (“warn”)
    b. conservator conservator servare, servatus (“save”)
    c. adventure adventura venire, ventus (“come”)
  2.  a. retrogression: a stepping back(wards)
    b. interlocutor: one who speaks between or a speaker between
    c. dissension: a feeling apart
    d. obstacle: a thing standing in the way
  3. a. introspection

    < L introspectio: prefix intro– (“within”) + perf. part. base –spect– (-spicere, “look at”) + noun suffix –io (-ionis)

    b. contradict

    < L contradict-: prefix contra– (“against”) + perf. part. base dict– (dicere, “say”) [equivalent to Germanic “gainsay”]

    c. manufacture

    < L manufactura: noun base manu– (manus, “hand”) + perf. part. base fact– (facere, “make”) + noun suffix –ura

    d. compositor

    < L compositor: prefix con– (“with”) + perf. part. base posit– (ponere, “place”) + agent noun suffix –or

    e. inspirational

    < L inspirationalis: prefix in– (“into”) + perf. part. base spirat– (spirare, “breathe”) + noun suffix –io (-ionis) + adj. suffix
    alis (“pertaining to”)


§86. Chapter 12: Exercises

  1. a. abstinence abstinentia tenere, tentus (“hold”)
    b. sufficiency sufficientia facere, factus (“make,” “do”)
    c. impatience impatientia pati, passus (“suffer”)
  2. a. subtrahend: to be drawn (away) below
    b. defoliant: taking away the leaves
    c. exorbitant: going off (out of) the track
    d. concatenation: a chaining together
  3. All five relate to heat (dry or wet): flagrant is “blazing”; ardent, “burning”; fervent, “glowing” or “boiling”; effervescent, “beginning to boil out (over)”; and ebullient “bubbling over.” All are used metaphorically of human actions or emotions.
  4. a. opponent

    < L opponent-: prefix ob– (“against”) + ponent– (present
    participle base of ponere, “place”)

    b. resiliency

    < L resilientia: prefix re– (“back,” “again”) + –silient– (present
    participle base of salire, “leap”) + noun suffix –ia

    c. calculation

    < L calculatio: noun base calc– (calx, “stone”) + –ul– (diminutive suffix) + –at– (perf. part. base of denominative verb calculare) + noun suffix –io (-ionis)

    d. inconsequential

    < L inconsequentialis: prefix in– (“not”) + prefix con– (“together”) + sequent– (pres. part. base of sequi, “follow”) + –i– (noun suffix –ia) + adj. suffix –alis (“pertaining to”)


§96. Chapter 14: Exercises

  1. 1. transfusion

    < L trans-fus-io: prefix trans– (“across”) + fus– (perf. part. base of fundere, “pour”) + noun suffix –io (-ionis)

    2. equivocal

    < L aequ-i-voc-alis: adj. base aequ– (aequus, “even”)
    + –i– (connecting vowel) + noun base voc– (vox, vocis, “voice”), + adj. suffix –alis

    3. compulsive

    < L com-puls-ivus: prefix con– (“together”) + puls– (perf. part. base of pellere, “drive”) + adj. suffix –ivus

    4. accident

    < L ac-cident-: prefix ad– (“to”) + –cident– (pres. part. base of cadere, “fall”)

    5. inexplicable

    < L in-ex-plic-a-bilis: prefix in– (“not”) + prefix ex– (“out”) + plic– (pres. infin. base of plicare, “fold”) + stem vowel –a– + adj. suffix –bilis (“able to be”)

    6. circulatory

    < L circ-ul-at-orius: noun base circ– (circus, “circle”) + –ul– (diminutive suffix) + –at– (perf. part. base of denominative verb circulare) + adj. suffix –orius

    7. pertinacity

    < L per-tin-ac-itas: prefix per– (“thoroughly”) + –tin– (pres. infin. base of tenere, “hold”) + –ac– (adj. suffix –ax, –acis, “inclined to”) + noun suffix –itas

    8. insignificance

    < L in-sign-i-ficant-ia: prefix in– (“not”) + noun base sign– (signum, “mark”) + –i– (connecting vowel) + –ficant– (pres. part. base of –ficare = facere, “make”) + noun suffix –ia

    9. circumnavigator

    < L circum-nav-igat-or: prefix circum– (“around”) + noun base nav– (navis, “ship”) + –igat– (perf. part. base of –igare = agere, “drive”) + –or (agent noun suffix)

    10. animadversion

    < L anim-ad-vers-io: noun base anim– (animus, “mind”) + prefix ad– (“to”) + vers– (perf. part. base of vertere, “turn”) + noun suffix –io (-ionis)


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Greek and Latin Roots: Part I - Latin Copyright © 2016 by Peter Smith (Estate) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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