I. Key to Exercises (Latin)
Appendix I
Key to Exercises (Latin)
§17. Chapter 2: Exercises
a. L scientia > E science 3b f. L digitus > E digit 2 b. L matrona > E matron 2 g. L folium > E foil 4 c. L prodigium > E prodigy 3c h. L lucrum > E lucre 3a d. L lacuna > E lagoon 4 i. L spatium > E space 3b e. L nota > E note 3a j. L norma > E norm 2 - verbum to verb: specializationanimus to animus: pejoration (and specialization)
- a. corona; b. genius; c. spectrum; d. price; e. chart, carte (carte blanche); f. folio
§24. Chapter 3: Exercises
a. 2 sign- mark, token, sign f. 4 gradu- step, grade b. 1 form- shape, form g. 2 mod- measure, manner c. 2 radi- staff, rod, spoke h. 1 vi- way, road d. 3 labor- work i. 5 speci- look, appearance e. 3 oper- work, task j. 3 art- skill, art - a. person, persona; b. genus, genre; c. radius; d. discus, disc, disk, e. chief; f. spirit
§32. Chapter 4: Exercises
- What word-ending makes it certain that a Latin adjective must belong to the 1st and 2nd declension type?-us (-a, -um)
- List four Latin adjectives whose English derivative is the Latin word-base plus -e: solus, sanus, planus, amplus, curvus, pronus, supinus, etc.
Latin adjective Meaning Latin adjective Meaning a. tepidus warm d. fecundus fruitful, fertile b. pristinus original, primitive e. vapidus lifeless, flat c. antiquus ancient f. clandestinus secret -
a. interim meanwhile d. seriatim in a row, serially b. circa around, about e. ibid(em) in the same place c. quondam formerly, once f. alias otherwise
§44. Chapter 5: Exercises
a. radial radialis d. tabular tabularis b. famous famosus e. urban urbanus c. senile senilis f. virulent virulentus -
a. popular < L popularis: noun base popul– (populus, “people”) + adj suffix –aris (“pertaining to”)
b. equine < L equinus: noun base equ– (equus, “horse”) + adj. suffix –inus (“like a,” “pertaining to”)
c. corporal < L corporalis: noun base corpor– (corpus, “body”) + adj. suffix –alis (“pertaining to”)
Etymon Etymological Meaning
a. carpentarius “worker in [maker of] wagons” b. terrarius “worker in the earth” - frigidaire
- Jupiter(Jove), Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Ceres
§50. Chapter 6: Exercises
a. severus: severitas severity d. socius: societas society b. beatus: beatitudo beatitude e. integer: integritas integrity c. avarus: avaritia avarice f. aptus: aptitudo aptitude -
a. freedom liberty f. height altitude b. wordiness verbosity g. breadth latitude, amplitude c. stillness tranquility h. strength fortitude d. darkness obscurity i. loneliness solitude e. ripeness maturity j. greatness magnitude - L civis (“citizen”) + -itas (abstract noun suffix) > L civitas (“citizenship” > “city”) OF cité > E city
English noun Latin abstract noun Latin adjective Meaning a. poverty < paupertas < pauper poor b. bounty < bonitas < bonus good c. dainty < dignitas < dignus worthy d. frailty < fragilitas < fragilis breakable -
a. femininity < L femininitas: noun base femin– (femina, “woman”) + adj. suffix –inus (“pertaining to”) + noun suffix –itas
b. originality < L originalitas: noun base origin– (origo, “source”) + adj. suffix –alis (“pertaining to”) + noun suffix –itas
c. longitude < L longitudo: adj. base long– (longus, “long”) + noun suffix –itudo
d. luminosity < L luminositas: noun base lumin– (lumen, “light”) + adj. suffix –osus (“full of”) + noun suffix –itas
e. acrimonious < L acrimoniosus: adj. base acr– (acer, “sharp”) + –i– (connecting vowel) + noun. suffix –monium + adj. suffix –osus (“full of”)
f. spirituality < L spiritualitas: noun base spiritu– (spiritus, “breath”) + adj. suffix –alis (“pertaining to”) + noun suffix –itas
§75. Chapter 10: Exercises
a. premonition praemonitio monere, monitus (“warn”) b. conservator conservator servare, servatus (“save”) c. adventure adventura venire, ventus (“come”) -
a. retrogression: a stepping back(wards) b. interlocutor: one who speaks between or a speaker between c. dissension: a feeling apart d. obstacle: a thing standing in the way -
a. introspection < L introspectio: prefix intro– (“within”) + perf. part. base –spect– (-spicere, “look at”) + noun suffix –io (-ionis)
b. contradict < L contradict-: prefix contra– (“against”) + perf. part. base dict– (dicere, “say”) [equivalent to Germanic “gainsay”]
c. manufacture < L manufactura: noun base manu– (manus, “hand”) + perf. part. base fact– (facere, “make”) + noun suffix –ura
d. compositor < L compositor: prefix con– (“with”) + perf. part. base posit– (ponere, “place”) + agent noun suffix –or
e. inspirational < L inspirationalis: prefix in– (“into”) + perf. part. base spirat– (spirare, “breathe”) + noun suffix –io (-ionis) + adj. suffix
–alis (“pertaining to”)
§86. Chapter 12: Exercises
a. abstinence abstinentia tenere, tentus (“hold”) b. sufficiency sufficientia facere, factus (“make,” “do”) c. impatience impatientia pati, passus (“suffer”) -
a. subtrahend: to be drawn (away) below b. defoliant: taking away the leaves c. exorbitant: going off (out of) the track d. concatenation: a chaining together - All five relate to heat (dry or wet): flagrant is “blazing”; ardent, “burning”; fervent, “glowing” or “boiling”; effervescent, “beginning to boil out (over)”; and ebullient “bubbling over.” All are used metaphorically of human actions or emotions.
a. opponent < L opponent-: prefix ob– (“against”) + ponent– (present
participle base of ponere, “place”)b. resiliency < L resilientia: prefix re– (“back,” “again”) + –silient– (present
participle base of salire, “leap”) + noun suffix –iac. calculation < L calculatio: noun base calc– (calx, “stone”) + –ul– (diminutive suffix) + –at– (perf. part. base of denominative verb calculare) + noun suffix –io (-ionis)
d. inconsequential < L inconsequentialis: prefix in– (“not”) + prefix con– (“together”) + sequent– (pres. part. base of sequi, “follow”) + –i– (noun suffix –ia) + adj. suffix –alis (“pertaining to”)
§96. Chapter 14: Exercises
1. transfusion < L trans-fus-io: prefix trans– (“across”) + fus– (perf. part. base of fundere, “pour”) + noun suffix –io (-ionis)
2. equivocal < L aequ-i-voc-alis: adj. base aequ– (aequus, “even”)
+ –i– (connecting vowel) + noun base voc– (vox, vocis, “voice”), + adj. suffix –alis3. compulsive < L com-puls-ivus: prefix con– (“together”) + puls– (perf. part. base of pellere, “drive”) + adj. suffix –ivus
4. accident < L ac-cident-: prefix ad– (“to”) + –cident– (pres. part. base of cadere, “fall”)
5. inexplicable < L in-ex-plic-a-bilis: prefix in– (“not”) + prefix ex– (“out”) + plic– (pres. infin. base of plicare, “fold”) + stem vowel –a– + adj. suffix –bilis (“able to be”)
6. circulatory < L circ-ul-at-orius: noun base circ– (circus, “circle”) + –ul– (diminutive suffix) + –at– (perf. part. base of denominative verb circulare) + adj. suffix –orius
7. pertinacity < L per-tin-ac-itas: prefix per– (“thoroughly”) + –tin– (pres. infin. base of tenere, “hold”) + –ac– (adj. suffix –ax, –acis, “inclined to”) + noun suffix –itas
8. insignificance < L in-sign-i-ficant-ia: prefix in– (“not”) + noun base sign– (signum, “mark”) + –i– (connecting vowel) + –ficant– (pres. part. base of –ficare = facere, “make”) + noun suffix –ia
9. circumnavigator < L circum-nav-igat-or: prefix circum– (“around”) + noun base nav– (navis, “ship”) + –igat– (perf. part. base of –igare = agere, “drive”) + –or (agent noun suffix)
10. animadversion < L anim-ad-vers-io: noun base anim– (animus, “mind”) + prefix ad– (“to”) + vers– (perf. part. base of vertere, “turn”) + noun suffix –io (-ionis)