1.2 Metals and metal compounds
Metals and metal compounds are found in many different forms in the nature and man-made chemicals. It is important to distinguish between the pure element vs. the ionic form of a metal found in solid and/or solution state. Listed below are some commonly found forms of metals and their compounds. Brief description is also provided to characterize their differences.
A. Earth’s Crust – major ores-
native ores: Au, Ag, Pt, Cu
oxide ores: iron, aluminum, manganese, tin
sulfide ores: zinc, cadmium, mercury, copper, lead, nickel, cobalt, silver
carbonate ores: iron, lead, zinc, copper, calcium, barium, magnesium, strontium
halides: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, silver
sulfates: calcium, strontium, barium, lead
silicates: beryllium, zinc, nickel
phosphates: calcium
B. Oceans
A ton of sea water contains about 55 lbs sodium chloride, 2.5 lbs of magnesium, 1.75 lbs of sulfur, 0.8 lbs calcium, 0.75 lbs potassium, 0.13 lbs bromine and smaller quantities of boron, fluorine and iodine and the metals, strontium, copper, iron, lead, zinc, uranium, silver, gold and even radon.
C. Human Blood
contains 85.2 mM of Na, 44.5 mM of K, 8.59 mM of iron, 2.42 mM of calcium, 1.57 mM of magnesium, 138.4 μM of zinc, 14.8 μM of copper, 2.18 μM of manganese and 0.71 μM of cobalt.
D. Municipal Water
Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+ and Mn2+ are found along with bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate and silicate anions mainly. On evaporation or boiling, calcium sulfate, carbonate and silicate form clogging scales with low thermal conductivity in boilers. Hard water contains excessive amount of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and these metal ions form insoluble salts with soap and detergent.
E. Pure Metals and Alloys – in consumer goods and elsewhere
bronze: 70-95% Cu, 1-25% Zn, 1-18% Sn
solder: 67% Pb, 33% Sn
battery plate: 94% Pb, 6% Sb
dentist amalgam: 50% Hg, 35% Ag, 13% Sn, 1.5% Cu, 0.5% Zn
sterling silver: 92.5% Ag, 7.5% Cu
18 carat yellow gold: 75% Au, 12.5% Ag, 12.5% Cu
18 carat white gold: 75% Au, 3.5% Cu, 16.5% Ni, 5% Zn
yellow brass: 67% Cu, 33% Zn
steels: manganese alloy steel: Fe + 10-18% Mn (railroad rails)
silicon alloy steel: Fe + 1-5% Si (magnets)
alnico: Fe + Al, Ni, Co (permanent magnets)
chrom-vanadium alloy steel: Fe + 1-10% Cr + 0.15% V (axles)
stainless steel: Fe + 14-18% Cr + 7-9% Ni (cutlery, instruments)
high-speed steels: Fe + 14-20% W or 6-12% Mo (high-speed cutting tools)
nickel alloy steel: Fe + 2-4% Ni (drive shafts, gears, cables)
mild carbon steels: Fe + up to ~0.2% C (sheet iron, wire & pipes)
medium carbon steels: Fe + 0.2-0.6% C (rails, structural steel, boiler plate)
high carbon steels: Fe + 0.6 to 1.5% C (surgical instr., razor blades, springs, cutlery)
monel metal: Ni + Cu + a little Fe – highly resistive to oxidation
nichrome and chromel: alloys containing Ni, Fe and Cr – are resistant to oxidation at high temps and show high electric resistance (elec. heating wires, stoves, toasters, irons)
bullets and bearings: Pb hardened with 10-20% Sb.
Bi/Sn/Pb alloys: low melting – used for elec. fuses, safety plugs, automatic safety plugs
Roses metal: 50% Bi, 25% Pb, 25% Sn – melts at 94 °C
Woods metal: 50% Bi, 25% Pb, 12.5% Sn, 12.5% Cd – melts at 65.5 °C
Ru/Pt alloys: dental alloys and jewelry
Ir/Pt alloys: very hard and permanent alloys used for pen tips, surgical tools, elec. equipment
Pd/Pt/Au alloys: dental alloys (orthodontic appliances) jewelry, lab ware
89.9% Pt + 10.1% Ir alloy: The international standard kilogram and standard meter are made of this alloy because of permanence and low coefficient of thermal expansion
magnalium: Al + 1-15% Mg + 0-1.75% Cu – construction (lighter, harder, stronger than Al)
tin plate: iron coated with Sn
chromium plate: iron coated with Cr
cadmium plate: iron coated with Cd (attractive and resists corrosion well)
galvanized iron: iron coated with zinc (resists corrosion well)
magnesium metal: corrosion prevention
titanium metal (and alloys): strong light and resists corrosion (aircraft manufact.)
tungsten metal: m.p. 3370 °C (highest of the metals) – filament in elec. lamps, sparkplug contacts.
copper metal: electrical wiring, pipes
cadmium metal rods: nuclear reactor use – absorbs neutrons and controls chain reaction
mercury metal: liquid used in barometers, vacuum pumps, elec. contacts, lamps
aluminum metal: construction (airplane), elec. wiring, cooking utensils
platinum metal: electrodes, equipment for handling corrosive liquids and gases, electrical contacts, thermocouples, jewelry, dental appliances
F. Metals and Their Compounds as Catalysts
iron – cat. in NH3 manuf.; Fe (or Pt or Cr) in diamond manufacture
Fe2O3 – cat. in water-gas shift reaction
cobalt – finely divided – cat. in hydrogenation of CO & CO2 with the formation of hydrocarbons and for oxidation of ammonia
nickel – cat. in steam-hydrocarbon reforming process – (or Pd or Pt or Ag or CoO) – in H2 + O2 fuel cell
copper – cat. in Rochow process (mf. of silicones)
Al2O3 – cat. in manufacture of graphite
Pt – finely divided forms (Pt black or Pt sponge): cat. in oxidation of SO2 (contact process); cat. in oxidation of NH3 to NO
Ru3(CO)12 – cat. in water-gas shift reaction
RhCl(PPh3)3 – cat. in olefin hydrogenation
Co2(CO)8 – cat. in hydroformylation reactions (C=C → CH−CHO)
Et3Al + TiCl3 – cat. in polymerization of olefins (C=C → C−C−C)
Ni(acac)2 – cat. in cyclo-oligomerization of acetylene
G. Metal Compounds in Consumer Goods, Industrial Processes, Etc.
metal hydrides (e.g. CaH2) – chemical dehydrating and reducing agents
intercalation compounds of graphite – new anisotropic conductors
Na2CO3 – for CO2 absorption
CaCO3 in lime production
silicates: Ca2Mg5(Si4O11)2(OH)2 – tremolite (asbestos)
K(Mg,Fe)(OH)2(AlSi3O10) – mica
Mx/n[(AlO2)x(SiO2)y]•2H2O (M=Na+, K+ or Ca2+) – zeolites
Na2O•xSiO2 and CaO•xSiO2 – glass
Na2SiO3•xSiO2 – silicate cement
NaNO3, KNO3: fertilizers and used in explosives industry
M(N3)2: azides of Pb, Hg and Ba – explode on striking; used in detonation caps
CaH4(PO4)2 and other phosphate fertilizers
NaH2PO4 and other orthophosphates and pyrophosphates used in water conditioning, detergents, baking products, etc.
M5(P3O10) – tripolyphosphate – control hardness of water
Zn[(RO)2PS2]2: lubricating oil additives
NaOH, CaO, Ca(OH)2: mortar, plaster, cement; manufacture of soap
Na2O2: bleaching agent
NaO2 – CO2 removal; O2 generator
CaS2, CaS5 – fungicides
Na2Sx – polysulfides used in rubber manufacture
NaOH/Na2S/Na2CO3: Kraft pulp
CaHSO3/MgHSO3/SO2: sulfite pulp
Na2S2O4 – dithionates: pulp bleaching
Na2SO3, NaHSO3, CaSO3, Ca(HSO3)2, Ca(OC1)2, NaOCl, NaClO3: bleaching
AgBr: photographic film
Some Important applications of alkali metal and their compounds can be found here:
- http://www.scienceclarified.com/everyday/Real-Life-Chemistry-Vol-1/Alkali-Metals-Real-life-applications.html
- https://books.google.ca/books?id=xmQ1AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA13&lpg=PA13&dq=breathing+apparatus+using+potassium+peroxide&source=bl&ots=HsTkndsbaZ&sig=ACfU3U1PJHogFmKcCIpq38vo4aIQXlothA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiS67nehtXoAhWMpp4KHQL9DOU4ChDoATAEegQIDBAr#v=onepage&q=breathing%20apparatus%20using%20potassium%20peroxide&f=false
- https://strives-uploads-prod.s3.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com/19850027310/19850027310.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIASEVSKC45ZTTM42XZ&Expires=1600747710&Signature=tBrifIs6Dq%2BRj6Eloq7rL7WNFZo%3D
- https://www.thespruce.com/sodium-carbonate-safety-cleaning-1706882
- https://www.lenntech.com/processes/disinfection/chemical/disinfectants-sodium-hypochlorite.htm
- https://www.worldofchemicals.com/406/chemistry-articles/sodium-hydroxide-cleaning-sanitization-agent-in-chromatography-media-and-columns.html
- https://www.thespruce.com/sodium-bisulfate-definition-uses-safety-1707029
- https://www.cleaninginstitute.org/industry-priorities/policy/other-issues/sodium-lauryl-sulfate-sls
- http://www.diatom.com.br/en-US/applications/detergentes
Anion | Name |
H – | Hydride |
F – | Fluoride |
Cl – | Chloride |
Br – | Bromide |
I – | Iodide |
O 2- | Oxide |
S 2- | Sulfide |
N 3- | Nitride |
P 3- | Phosphide |
Compound | Ions Present | Name |
NaCl | Na +, Cl – | sodium chloride |
KI | K +, I – | potassium iodide |
CaS | Ca 2+, S 2- | calcium sulfide |
Li3N | Li +, N 3- | lithium nitride |
CsBr | Cs +, Br – | cesium bromide |
MgO | Mg 2+, O 2- | magnesium oxide |
Ion | Name | Ion | Name |
NH4 + | Ammonium | CO3 2- | carbonate |
NO2 – | Nitrite | HCO3 – | hydrogen carbonate
(bicarbonate is a widely used common name) |
NO3 – | Nitrate | ||
SO3 2- | Sulfite | ||
SO4 2- | Sulfate | ClO – | hypochlorite |
HSO4 – | hydrogen sulfate
(bisulfate is a widely use common name) |
ClO2 – | chlorite |
ClO3 – | chlorate | ||
ClO4 – | perchlorate | ||
OH – | Hydroxide | C2H3O2– | acetate |
CN – | Cyanide | MnO4 – | permanganate |
PO4 3- | Phosphate | Cr2O7 2- | dichromate |
HPO42- | hydrogen phosphate | CrO4 2- | chromate |
H2PO4– | dihydrogen phosphate | O2 2- | peroxide |
Ion | Systematic Name | Alternate Name |
Fe 3+ | iron (III) | Ferric |
Fe 2+ | iron (II) | Ferrous |
Cu 2+ | copper (II) | Cupric |
Cu + | copper (I) | Cuprous |
Co 3+ | cobalt (III) | Cobaltic |
Co 2+ | cobalt (II) | cobaltous |
Sn 4+ | tin (IV) | Stannic |
Sn 2+ | tin (II) | Stannous |
Pb 4+ | lead (IV) | Plumbic |
Pb 2+ | lead (II) | plumbous |
Hg2+ | mercury (II) | Mercuric |
Hg22+* | mercury (I) | mercurous |
Compound | Systematic Name |
N2O | dinitrogen monoxide |
NO | nitrogen monoxide |
NO2 | nitrogen dioxide |
N2O3 | dinitrogen trioxide |
N2O4 | dinitrogen tetroxide |
N2O5 | dinitrogen pentoxide |