
Application. Rezoning Amendment (Part 1)



Assigned task

As a Planner 1 (current planning) for the City of Prince George, you are responsible for processing a full range of land use applications.  Your task is to receive and process an application to rezone the subject property located at 5877 Leslie Road to facilitate development of a recovery centre for women.

You are to complete the following:

  1. Complete a draft Staff Report to Council. This draft will be reviewed by your supervisor.  Use this template to complete this assignment.
  2. Typically, a Staff Report includes only a brief rationale to support the recommendation to approve or refuse.  In advance of a meeting with the Supervisor, Land Use Planning (who is your supervisor), you are to prepare a summary of reasons on both sides of the argument:  reasons why the City should approve the application and reasons to refuse the application.  Your summary should be about 300-500 words.


Supporting documents



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Land Use Planning in British Columbia Copyright © 2023 by David J. Connell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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