
Application. Urban Growth



Assigned task

In 2010, the City of Prince George completed a thirty-year integrated sustainability plan called “myPG.”  This plan informed development of the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP) that was adopted in 2011.  This OCP is now under review.  As part of the review process, the City is re-examining the long-term planning scenarios developed for myPG.  As a land use planning expert invited to comment on the myPG planning scenarios, you are charged with recommending a particular growth management strategy the City should follow to achieve its vision of a desirable future.  Choosing among the four growth management options developed for myPG, as well as any additional resources, your argument should include justification premised upon public, private, and government interests.  Provide sufficient detail to demonstrate how your recommended option is superior to the other options.  Also include a recommendation for at least two regulatory tools to support your preferred area-wide growth option.  Provide sufficient detail about how the tools will be implemented, such as locations, development priorities, rates, conditions, etc.

Your professional report should not exceed 1,000 words (excluding tables, figures, etc.).



In 2010, the City of Prince George completed a planning exercise known as Integrated Community Sustainability Planning (ICSP) with a thirty-year planning horizon.  The following reports provide background information about the goals and objectives of myPG:


The project is an area-wide, non-jurisdictional plan that incorporates input and expertise from a variety of agencies and other City partners to promote more efficient use of municipal resources and infrastructure.  The City synchronised the completion of the ICSP with their OCP in 2011.   The City is renewing this process as part of its current OCP review.  The aim is to further integrate the outcomes of the myPG plan into statutory land use policy.

You are to consider the four myPG growth management strategies initially developed in 2010:

  • Map 1. Base Case:  Existing OCP
  • Map 2. Option A: Disperse Growth Within the Serviced Area
  • Map 3. Option B: Focus Growth in Centres and Along Major Streets
  • Map 4. Option C: Focus Growth Near Downtown and Major Centres

Each of these options is described in the Options Summary handout prepared as part of the myPG consultation process.

The ICSP was undertaken as part of the Union of BC Municipalities Federal Gas Tax Agreement.  Under the agreement, the City of Prince George will receive close to $3 million annually for three fiscal years to help develop and implement the myPG plan, with the potential for additional grant funding in the future.



Learning modules that support this case study

This module describes a range of planning tools available to local governments to help control and direct urban development.  These tools are regulated under provincial legislation.



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Land Use Planning in British Columbia Copyright © 2023 by David J. Connell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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