
Discover your why

Module 2 Assignment 2

Create a vision statement

In the past few chapters, we discussed the importance of determining your WHY.  Once you have your WHY figured out it can then be used to help craft a vision statement for your company.  Utilizing the exercises from previous chapters, create a vision statement for your company.  This statement will help guide you as you build your business and provide a framework from which you will build your company culture.  The deliverables for this assignment are:

  1. Provide a mind map for the vision of your business.  This could be hand-drawn or a digitally created version.  For more tips on how to mind map watch the video below.
  2. A written vision statement.  This should be at least 500 words.


  1. Feysa, P. (2016, September 9). How to create a MINDMAP tutorial. [https://youtu.be/Jb3LJNSycaM]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb3LJNSycaM


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Entrepreneurial Leadership for the Trades Copyright © by Chad Flinn and Tim Carson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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