Course Overview

Welcome to this 4-week course: Natural Asset Management Fundamentals. I’m Roy Brooke and I designed this course using videos, discussion forums, and other learning activities in each week/module. Throughout the course, you will also be meeting and interacting with many others who are involved in natural asset management.

We’ve designed this course to help local government staff, professionals in multiple disciplines who work with them, and people involved with community organizations, understand the fast-emerging field of natural asset management. The course is in divided into four modules:

  • Introduction to the course, natural asset management & each other to help us understand: what natural asset management is, how it came about, and what is starting to happen at a community level.
  • The ‘enabling environment’ for natural asset management – what some of the provincial, regional and national opportunities and barriers are that can help or hinder local governments.
  • A detailed look at the communities that pioneered natural asset management, why and how they’re doing it, and the results so far.
  • How to bring natural asset management into your own work.

At the end of the course, participants will understand:

  • What natural asset management is, why it matters, and what conditions enable or hinder it
  • How natural asset management is relevant in your own disciplines or community contexts
  • What you may be able to do differently as a result of knowing more about natural asset management
  • Where you can get additional information on natural asset management

Each module includes one or more video-lectures and discussions that are designed to inform, prompt reflection, and help participants consider the relevance of the work to their own contexts. In the final module, participants will apply what they’ve learned in real-world, learner-relevant examples. Each module also contains resources (e.g., relevant reports, video links) in the Readings and Resources.

You are not required to engage in the learning activities at any specific time. However, we recommend that you complete the activities for each module within the corresponding week. This will help you maximize learning and provide opportunities for meaningful discussion with the instructor and your fellow learners.


Readings & Resources

This is a compilation of all of the course readings and resources used in all Modules. 

Module 1

Required Reading 

MNAI Natural Asset Primer (link removed due to copyright)

What are Municipal Natural Assets: Defining and Scoping Municipal Natural Assets (2019) (link removed due to copyright)

Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery: A BC Framework

Optional Reading 

FCM asset management resources

IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services) summary report:

Summary report for the Americas:

Canada Infrastructure Report Card 2019 

Integrating Natural Assets Into Asset Management: A Sustainable Service Delivery Primer

Advancing Natural Infrastructure in Canada (IISD)

Module 2

Required Reading 

MNAI Cohort 1 Results – Summary (link removed due to copyright)

MNAI Cohort 2 Results – Summary (link removed due to copyright)

Module 3


Public Sector Accounting Board Final Input (link removed due to copyright)

Diagram on Natural Asset Management, Title and Jurisdiction (link removed due to copyright)

Advancing natural asset management through collaborative strategies for private lands (link removed due to copyright)


The Town of Gibsons experience on financial planning and reporting (link removed due to copyright)

Course Schedule

Module Date Course Activities
Course Introduction and Module 1 – What are natural assets and why do they matter?  Week 1 Module 1 Activities

Join instructor for a synchronous online meeting if you are available.

Introduction to Padlet 

Post a video on Padlet introducing yourself and why you are taking the course

Module 1 Course Content 

Module 1: Drop-in online session

Module 2 – Who is doing what: Canadian case examples  Week 2 Module 2 Activities

Module 2 Course Content 

Module 2: Discussion Forum: a professional or community natural asset management issues you would like to address.
Module 2: Drop-in online session

Module 3 – Building a strong enabling environment  Week 3 Module 3 Activities

Module 3 Course Content 

Module 3: Discussion Forum: normative and/or professional barriers
Module 3: Discussion Forum: who needs to be engaged in your community?

Module 3: Drop-in online session

Module 4: Getting to scale  Week 4 Module 4 Activities

Module 4 Course Content
Module 4: Individual and group assignment
Module 4 Discussion Forum: to share results of individual and group assignment

Final synchronous discussion





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Natural Asset Management Fundamentals Copyright © 2021 by Roy Brooke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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