13 Legacy Project Assignment

Legacy Project

The Legacy Project is due this Friday at 9am, and is worth 20% of your overall grade. Since it is a group project, only one of your group members needs to send it to the instructors.

Based on the annotated bibliography, develop and document a policy product to address their specific pressing challenge. This can take many forms, according to what response might best effect societal change. Possible products might include some of the following: a mobile or web app, op-ed campaign, video, web page, policy or opinion piece, ministerial briefing, bylaw, stakeholder training, or other publicly accessible contribution. Done in a group of 3-4 students. Supports learning outcomes 3-6. Assessment will focus on the submitted work itself: the group collaboration aspect of this assignment will be assessed under “Participation and Collaboration”.

Key Information:

  • This is a group project (3-4 students per group) – unless you arrange otherwise, the groups will be the same as for the annotated bibliography.
  • Due date is 9am Thursday, end of Week 3
  • Submit the following to your instructors by email:
    • Your Legacy Project product, which can be any of the following:
      • a mobile or web app, report card, op-ed campaign, video, web page, policy piece in scholarly journal, ministerial briefing, bylaw, stakeholder training, or other publicly accessible contribution.

Marking Rubric:

Clarity of message for the audience (general public) 20%
Creativity of approach in delivering the message effectively 20%
Effectiveness at translating technical knowledge to a public audience 20%
Appropriate graphics, images, videos, links, or other media to support the story 20%
Dissemination excellence 20%
Total 100%


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